blog Innovation | 14min Read

What is Health Wearable Tech?

Published on September 14, 2021

blog Innovation

What is Health Wearable Tech?

Think Fitbits and Apple watches. That in a nutshell is what wearable tech is all about. That’s it. End of blog. Just go back to your iPhones and be happy that you know what wearable tech is. 

But, if you want to explore the rabbit hole a bit deeper, read on. 

Yes, an apple watch is the easiest example of wearable devices in healthcare. But when you go beyond it, you understand that it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Even if you choose not to think about it, you can figure out everything from just the name – it’s technology that you wear which allows you to keep a track of your health. Now take this definition and expand it to other concepts. If you had an electronic neck brace that tracks the position of your muscles, would it be considered as wearable tech? If you wore a face mask that gave you real-time information on the pollution levels around you, would that be considered wearable tech? 

Yes, it would. 

We are on the cusp of a health revolution that will be led by technology. Your machine is going to become your best friend, and it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be hooked up to your phone. It means that your body will eventually be covered in sensors and wearable technology in healthcare that will give you hospital level data. Let’s explore what that means. 

The Future

When we talk about sensors and devices that can give us real time information, we’re talking about the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). The last major change that we experienced was the introduction of the internet and touch screen mobiles, this is about to be the next step in our evolution. 

IoT basically means a network of ‘things’ that are connected across the world, to share information and feedback between each other. At the moment, you can take phones as an example of IoT devices, considering them as the building blocks of this concept. They’re connected across the world and build a network that talks to each other. Now combine this with technology attached to your body, and that creates its own network with the goal of managing your health.

Take a potential scenario, where Bio-sensors exist as wearable adhesive patches that can collect data on movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, etc. Imagine an Apple watch but in the form of a small sticker. This is connected to the net and gives real time information to medical professionals. So imagine if an elderly person was wearing this sensor, and developed a change in his heart beat. This data would be recorded in real time and the emergency services would be automatically alerted. He might not even know that his heartbeat has changed, but this patch could directly connect all the missing pieces within a network of information, to potentially save his life. That’s how IoT will work in wearable tech. 

Similarly, there are forms of engineering robotics technology that are being developed or implemented within IoT. This gives us a taste of what wearable tech is moving towards:

  • Sweat sensors that can tell an athlete that her body has lost water and electrolytes, so she must replenish. 

  • Safety IoT wearables that send out an alert to your loved ones and the police at the touch of a button, allowing GPS to pinpoint your exact location. 

  • Portable and wearable Dialysis machines are being researched in Singapore as we speak, so patients don’t need to go to the hospital every 2 days. 

  • Smart clothing, such as the Neviano swimsuit, tells you if the UV rays are too harsh and whether you need more sunblock.

If nothing else, think about prosthetics and exoskeletons. In the Marvel universe, when Colonel Rhodes falls and damages his spine, Tony Stark creates an exo-suit to help him walk. This can seem like pure fiction but real people with paralysis could actually use these suits, and research in robotics courses is being done for the same. Exo-suits are currently being developed in various countries to help bring mobility to people suffering from disability, especially wounded soldiers. This evolution of technology is being fuelled by the minds of younger innovators who see an answer to various needs.

“But I Don’t Like Technology That Much.”

The old school concepts of technology and robotics are changing. With a focus on grades and mugging up, students these days are made to believe that there is only a small subset of highly intelligent kids who would be interested in exploring this field. But this form of thinking defeats the entire intention of ‘learning’. Creating, which is the basis of technology, starts with experimenting and not just cramming up some answers for your exams. 

Nobody expects you to write thousands of lines of code within engineering robotics. You first need to come up with a solution to the problem in front of you. To think like a designer and not just solve problems that already have an existing answer. We aren’t talking about creating a new version of Instagram in a robotics workshop. 

A True Creative Mind Tries To Find Answers To A Problem That Seems Beyond Their Capabilities, Something Which Has Even Perplexed Others Before.

Take the iPod for example. Steve Jobs saw people carrying cassette and CD players. You also had to carry extra cassettes or CDs along with you. He decided that this was a waste – Why carry so much stuff around? So he came up with the concept of the iPod. Carry 1000 songs in just one device. He married the concepts of art and design, with a little help from technology. And the rest is history. 

Art and Technology will always go hand in hand. Anybody who says otherwise, does not understand either of them. You can’t design or create something if you don’t have an interest to explore – To explore sideways, to go beyond the books, and to fail at it.

But First You Need To Fail.

The one thing that we aren’t taught enough is to fail. Failure is looked upon as the end of your existence. But any technologist will always look at failure as just the starting point. You cannot create anything without failing first. 

Working on technology or robotics, teaches you to accept the concept of an iterative process. It incorporates a feedback loop to whatever you create, because you can’t build anything without making mistakes. 

Sometimes We Feel Like Quitting Just Because We Receive Feedback Or Believe That Things Aren’t Working Out.

But the process of building any technology teaches you to learn from this critique and make even more mistakes. Some creators get worried if there are no mistakes as they just can’t believe such a scenario exists. 

This repetitive process ensures that you become comfortable with multiple rounds of work, as most people today have lost the patience that comes with such a venture. And this is not about getting that final product out of a robotics workshop

Robotics Forces You To Think Of An Idea That Will Help You Get To The Next Step.

If you’re stuck, it’s easy to wait for somebody else to help you out. But this process allows you to unearth a new method or a new idea that can help you get to your final destination. That is the true essence of a robotics workshop, which can open up your mind to solving bigger problems in the world. 

What Are The Concerns That Need Solving?

Whatever you think needs solving. 

If you think that something is a concern, you can try to find a solution for it. Especially when it comes to wearable medical devices. But let us explore some of the larger trends that we are witnessing in the wearable health field. 

1. Disability and Prosthetics

Solutions to counter Disabilities and the use of Prosthetics is a major focus going forward. Smart prosthetics are being developed that use brain implants to move your limbs as if connected to your nervous system. Elon Musk is developing the Neuralink brain implants to potentially help people overcome severe brain injuries. This has massive potential for people suffering from Alzheimer as well. 

2. Sports and exercise

High performance sports, which have millions and billions of dollars riding on it, requires enhanced data which is collected on a real time basis. This allows coaches and trainers to help improve the efficiency of a player, to extract every effort. This will help in minimising injuries and increasing the lifespan of a player’s career. Sensors and trackers are even being used by the NFL to minimise the damage to a player due to head contact.

3. Improvement in productivity

Just as in sports, companies want their employees to work at higher productivity levels. This increases their profitability and is working towards an efficient use of their employee’s time. This could be in the form of eye-trackers which tell the employee that they need a 5-minute break, or it could be a posture correction device to allow the employees to sit longer. Offices are realising that it isn’t about overworking their employees, it’s about finding the right balance.

4. Elderly care and Assisted living

A large amount of time and effort is spent in taking care of the elderly. Integrating sensors and IoT devices can reduce human intervention until necessary, leading to an optimisation of healthcare clinics. In addition, devices are being created that can help in assisted living, which allows a form of independence to those who need support. Like the spoon built on the concept of a camera stabiliser, for people suffering from cerebral palsy. This stabilises the surface and allows them to eat in spite of their shaking hands. Another device would be a wheelchair that climbs stairs, which is already in production.

5. Art

Not everything needs to be about problems and solutions. What if an artist wants you to create a wearable art installation? To create this, you employ the same method that you would use for creating a health wearable device, but with a different outcome. Art installations can be interactive or static, it’s more about the messaging behind the artist. It could even be in the form of engineering new materials. The limits to your thoughts are only those that you set for yourself in engineering robotics.

6. Emergency services

People don’t realise that the use of wearable technology in emergency services could actually save lives. There is a device that has been created which replicates the motion of CPR. It is meant to simulate the pumping of blood through your heart. This device, when wrapped onto the chest, allows for the pumping action to continue while the patient is being transported to the hospital. Usually it’s an ambulance attendant who is doing this physically. These small devices can radically change how we look at healthcare. 

7. Diet management

The diet and nutritional industries are exploding due to the high consumer interest in what you put inside your body. Devices are being developed that can scan the food that you’re buying and give you real time information about the nutritional content. This allows you to keep an active control on your food intake. There is another device that has been created for people with Gluten allergy, that automatically tells them if their restaurant meal contains any Gluten.

The line, for wearable devices in healthcare, is no longer drawn at Fitness trackers. It is estimated that 30% of these trackers are returned. This implies that in the future, sensors and wearable technology in healthcare will only cater to specific demands. If you need it, only then will you buy it. What’s in fashion will not be applicable much longer. 

Thus, the ‘why’ becomes very important. If a client with a disability is waiting on you to create something that could change their life, you aren’t going to just waste time. The focus and energy that you would bring to that effort is something that even you wouldn’t be able to recognise. With the pressure of delivering a finished product on a deadline, you begin to understand the challenges that would come up. 

But Why Do This In School? Will It Help Me With Colleges?

You’re just not taught something like this in schools. Nobody is running robotics courses for kids. A majority of the schools want your head buried in books and will judge you solely based on your exam scores. If you score well, go for the STEM fields. If you score low, you should look at Arts. These concepts are vintage and need to be stored in a museum. If exams are all about passing, and technology is all about failing, where is the connection?

When you go beyond the idea that building things is ‘better left for arts and crafts’, you realise the benefits of a robotics program. 

  • Teamwork is the basis for any learning. This concept is best illustrated when you work on a larger project for wearable health tech with multiple people, and sometimes even multiple teams. Even a table needs at least three legs to stand. 

  • Book knowledge – Relying on bookish knowledge is outdated. Unless you try to pick up a skill through an application-based learning, you are bound to let it slip from your mind. Muscle memory exists for a reason.  

  • Future skills – You are literally picking up skills that are meant for the future. The next few decades are going to be built on technology and it is vital that you at least have some amount of skills that can fit into this world. 

  • Fun – You can’t get bored in a robotics program. When you’re building stuff that nobody has ever seen, it’s just enjoyable. You aren’t sitting and staring at a blackboard or a textbook. Your mind is being used to create instead. 

  • Creative thinking – These programs allow for lateral thinking. You aren’t just moving in a direction that is told to you, and this allows for the development of a creative mind. Even if you want to become a successful businessman, you need to be creative in business. You don’t need to be a painter to be creative.

  • Experimentation – There is no other place that you’re encouraged to experiment and make mistakes. Even if you go to art class, the teachers are generally strict about lines, colours and tones. This allows you to be freer in your exploration. 

  • Simplifies a complex technology – For most people robotics and tech seems way too complicated for their ‘level’. But if you are exposed to it at a younger age, you don’t grow up thinking of it as a complex subject. It’s more relatable and not a mystical field anymore. 

  • Achieving something – When you see your idea and hard work coming into existence, it shows you how to achieve something practically. You might have hopes and dreams, but do you know how to achieve them?

And if not for the fun of it, maybe do it for the schools. Doing wearable technology courses which create actual wearable medical devices, will set you apart instantly. Ask any ivy league mentor and they will tell you the same. This can be a major boost for your profile. 

The students who come out of Nuvu work with clients, industry professionals, artists, museums, performers, and galleries. They bring their critical and lateral thinking to the colleges that they enter. Some of the courses that students have explored are:

  • Bachelor of Science Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation at USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy

  • Master of Arts in Design Engineering as a Dual degree at Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design

  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts (BCSA) at Carnegie Mellon University

  • Integrative Design, Arts and Technology Network (IDeATe) at Carnegie Mellon University

  • Design and Technology BFA program at Parsons School of Design

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT

  • Industrial Design (ID), BFA at Rhode Island School of Design

What Is The Process Of Learning In Such Workshops?

Why can’t we turn schools into a playground? That is the concept behind any robotics workshop, and one you might want to consider exploring. We live in an attention deficit economy and there is always something vying for our attention. A fun robotics workshop for school students can change the level of focus one brings to the table. Fact is that when you’re printing your own tool with a 3D printer, you’re not going to pull out your phone to scroll on Instagram.

A typical workshop with Nuvu works in the following way:

  • A problem is presented to the students.

  • You learn about the problem and the shortcomings. What is the issue at play?

  • You brainstorm and come up with ideas that can be implemented.

  • A feedback loop is started with experts, who poke holes in your ideas. 

  • You relook and rethink your ideas. You present them again.

  • Your teachers and experts will again try to push your idea. You will learn to accept the concerns, or learn to push back when you think your idea is worthwhile. 

  • Along with the teachers, you will create your idea and bring it to life.

  • You test it. What’s the point in creating something with your hands, if you can’t test it?

  • And you finally enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your thoughts come to fruition in real life. 

Nuvu has a unique workshop methodology, where the focus is on:

  • Collaboration – When you build something together with others, that is when you learn teamwork. 

  • Critical thinking – There is no failure unless you stop thinking. Every ‘failure’ is just a stepping stone to success.

  • Learning to empower your ideas – You learn to reject fear and doubt, to immerse yourself in the process of creation. 

  • To start from a design – You can’t create something without designing it first. 

A workshop is a taster for what’s in store for you in life. The future of our world is going to be a confluence between art and technology. That is something you can’t deny, so why deny yourself the opportunity to dive into it? Find things around you that are a combination of design and technology, to explore why you would love to get involved with something like this. 

Share in the comments below, what you think is a problem today and what you would like to create to solve it. 

Big Red Education and our Ivy Early Entrepreneur Program

In our entrepreneurial workshop – Ivy Early Entrepreneur, students go through the process of business development and leave the entrepreneur program having completed a business model canvas, competitive analysis, financial model, minimum viable product, and a pitch deck.

Students get an opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs who are alumni of reputed universities and are experts in their respective industries.

These experts serve as coaches guiding students through the processes of developing a business concept. Risk-Taking, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication &

Storytelling, Design Thinking & Innovation, and Opportunity Recognition are a few of the key learning areas of our program.

On successfully completing the entrepreneur workshop, the guaranteed internship will be extended to all the students within our partner firms and with most of the mentors teaching the program. Students will be provided with a certificate of participation by Big Red Education. This certificate can be used for your college portfolio.

Ivy Early Entrepreneur

11th – 17th Jan 2022

Idea Generation | Market Research | Design Thinking | Pitching

Editor's Pick

blog Higher Education Innovation | 6min Read

Practicality or Passion? Top Seven Professions of the 21st Century

Published on August 4, 2021

blog Higher Education Innovation

Practicality or Passion? Top Seven Professions of the 21st Century

Tug Of War

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is often an anxiety-inducing dilemma for all teenagers. It can be overwhelming to try to make such a decision when it feels like your life is up in the air and the only thing that feels certain is uncertainty. In the modern-day and age, this question gets even harder to answer as innumerable factors weigh in – some high schoolers value job satisfaction overpay and get stressed out when they struggle to find a career path that suits them. Others hold wage factors in higher regard and don’t care much if they get incredibly bored working 9 to 5. Others can fall victim to parental pressure, unable to pursue their true passion. There are countless scenarios where students struggle to decide, finding themselves stuck in a tug of war, wondering which to choose, practicality or passion?

The Promise Of Practicality

In the 21st Century, the way we work and the number of career choices have changed substantially. For most non-manual professions, being highly literate in technology, business and creativity is a necessity. New generations are continuously coming up with ingenious and inventive job prospects and carving their own paths in this new world. Radical changes in globalization, technology, and competition in the marketplace as well as shifts in societal conditions have altered our speculations for the future. Experts continue devising new scenarios about working in the 21st century and the careers that will be highest in demand. Currently, these include:

1. Nanotechnologists

For many years now, our gadgets have been getting smaller and smaller which has caused an increase in the demand for nanotechnologists. These are people who can manipulate matter at a molecular level, and as miniaturization and portability for our gadgets increases, so will the demand for this job. Those who wish to study <a href=””>nanotechnology</a> should opt to study organic chemistry, molecular biology, and microfabrication.

2. Stem Cell Research:

For many years now, our gadgets have been getting smaller and smaller which has caused an increase in the demand for nanotechnologists. These are people who can manipulate matter at a molecular level, and as miniaturization and portability for our gadgets increases, so will the demand for this job. Those who wish to study nanotechnology should opt to study organic chemistry, molecular biology, and microfabrication.

3. Business Developers

These workers pursue strategic opportunities for businesses by, for example, cultivating partnerships or other commercial relations. It is one of the most sought-after jobs for fresh graduates and has many sub-areas to work within. To get hired as a business developer an individual must possess good analytical, negotiation, creative, and communication skills.

4. Robotic Experts

Individuals in these careers will be sought after in the coming years due to increased automation outside of factories and production facilities. These developers and specialists will have a special responsibility as artificial intelligence and automation continues to grow.

5. Genetic Programmers

Another profession in the scientific field that is speculated to increase in demand is genetic programming. As a genetic programmer, you will work on the development of medication that suits the individual genetic code of the patients to achieve the best possible treatments for diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s. Health and medicine, in general, will remain hot topics, so seeking a career in them instead of genetic programming will also result in high pay.

6. Urban Farming

Even though manual jobs, specifically in the agricultural sector are fading, inhabitants of large cities will have to be increasingly provided for by urban farmers. Jobs in this area will require agricultural and technical knowledge and many sub-areas involving R&D, automation, etc. may open up under it.

7. Data Scientists

This unusual profession shocked many when it originally came to be, but now its demand is expected to increase in the coming decades. Data scientists are big data wranglers who gather and analyze large sets of structured and unstructured data. Their role combines mathematics, computer science, and statistics.

8. Software engineers

The demand for software engineers has been growing with technological development. It will most probably grow more as the need for never-before-seen solutions increases. Along with mathematical skills, to be a software engineer you need to be creative and be able to make new, innovative software systems.

9. Healthcare Workers

The demand for nurses and care workers is predicted to grow as the work hours of physicians decrease and the population grows. These jobs have many opportunities to grow and succeed and are perfect for someone interested in healthcare.

10. Artificial Intelligence Practitioners

AI promises to deliver some of the most cutting-edge breakthroughs and innovations of this century. With an upcoming AI revolution, there are limitless opportunities for those who want to go into this field.

The Heart Wants What It Wants

Of course, working in the highest-paid professions is tempting. But what if you just don’t want to? What if you know that the benefits of entrepreneurship are far better than pursuing something you’re not interested in? Teenagers struggle to decide what to do, especially at such a young age but should you really settle for something that you don’t love doing just for money? Or just to make your parents proud? Taking the more creative path is riskier, and will probably result in uncles and aunties judging you, but if it may ultimately result in contentment – is it worth it? 

The answer may be affected by many external factors, but following your heart can rarely ever prove to be detrimental. Rather than being average at a job you dislike, but get paid a lot of money to do, it may very well be better to get paid less but be much happier. In your one life, it should be your choice and your will that guides you, not the opinions of others. Even if you possibly end up disliking what you once thought was your passion, that is perfectly fine. In fact, it’s needed because knowing is always better than wondering.

So, to know, to experience, to be satisfied and happy, listening to your heart instead of your head may be what’s best for you. 

Passion and Practicality can go hand in hand, but even if they don’t, your choice matters most. Deciding what you want to do based on your situation is completely up to high schoolers or even adults as it’s never too late to switch sides.

Big Red Education and our Ivy Early Entrepreneur Program

In our entrepreneurial workshop – Ivy Early Entrepreneur, students go through the process of business development and leave the entrepreneur program having completed a business model canvas, competitive analysis, financial model, minimum viable product, and a pitch deck.

Students get an opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs who are alumni of reputed universities and are experts in their respective industries.

These experts serve as coaches guiding students through the processes of developing a business concept. Risk-Taking, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication &

Storytelling, Design Thinking & Innovation, and Opportunity Recognition are a few of the key learning areas of our program.

On successfully completing the entrepreneur workshop, the guaranteed internship will be extended to all the students within our partner firms and with most of the mentors teaching the program. Students will be provided with a certificate of participation by Big Red Education. This certificate can be used for your college portfolio.

Ivy Early Entrepreneur

11th – 17th Jan 2022

Idea Generation | Market Research | Design Thinking | Pitching

Editor's Pick

blog Innovation | 3min Read

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Robotics in High School

Published on July 7, 2021

blog Innovation

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Robotics in High School


Technology continues to invade the mind of every innovator. Technology is the today and the tomorrow of our times. Today, writing software, building drones and robots are not the things that only scientists or business tycoons can do. In fact, most innovative tech-based tools being programmed are by the “true digital natives” – The Gen Z.

The importance of robotics is widely recognized. Learning robotics in High School can increase your ability to be creative and empower you to become a critical thinker. It is not just a field of study or a hobby to pursue but rather a necessary 21st century skill. By learning robotics, a whole new world of opportunities expands that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

But before you go, “Alexa, how to build a robot?”, here are 5 more reasons why you should learn robotics:

  1. Introduction to Programming
    Programming is often too complex but Robotics is simpler to understand and provides a more tangible introduction to programming. As a student, you can program your very own physical robot by learning from nature and applying the principles of nature (Biomimicry) into automation technology. eMotion Butterfly is one example of Biomimicry. The developers combine the ultralight construction of artificial insects with coordinated flying behaviour in a collective.
    So, you can build robots and have fun while learning valuable skills at the same time! Programming and robotics make students more likely to be successful innovative entrepreneurs in the future.

  2. Creative Thinking
    Robotics is the space that incorporates both creativity and fun simultaneously. You can have full control over devising your robot and be able to learn from what your robot can or cannot do. You have the opportunity to be a learner and an innovator at the same time. You can build something cool that interacts with the environment and program it to perform actions of your choice. Programming new features that help you push the boundaries of innovation and design is one of the coolest things to do in this generation. Don’t you agree!?

  3. Turning Frustration into Innovation
    A never-give-up attitude and perseverance is something that Robotics demands. Programming a robot is complex but think of the complex problems it can solve. Some suggest, to be called a productive member of society, one must be able to identify problems and find solutions that can replace humans in performing a range of tasks instantly. Problems that cause frustration can be solved with innovation and all that you require is creativity and guidance through the process.

  4. Foundation For A Bright Career
    Careers in technology are the fastest growing. Industries constantly look for individuals who can come up with innovative ideas and be equipped with the knowledge to design and create the technology needed. The future sees a tremendous growth in technology and innovation of social robots like Sofia. One way to build a successful career is to demystify a simple-to-understand technology like Robotics. You can build robots to address fears and tackle global emergencies.
    Just like the computers came around a century ago, and we never predicted that their intervention could bring about such massive development as they have in the areas of Communication, Education, Health care etc. Similarly, the foundation for Robotics is being laid down right now with great hopes to improve the future, so, ‘right now’ is definitely the best time to be a part of this bandwagon.

  5. Turn Knowledge Into Creativity
    Robotics is a field that allows you to channel competitive instincts in a positive way. You can exemplify technology directly by programming a robot while learning about science, maths, engineering and get an understanding of how these subjects are linked together. Your experience in trying to build robots gives appreciation of your capabilities and strengths. More importantly, you can even innovate more features for an existing robot that you know or are inspired by.
    Robotics is an exciting field of study. It is something that has the power to change the world. The ideas are transformed into real-world solutions. So, what sort of robot do you fancy developing?

Editor's Pick

blog Innovation | 5min Read

Why Students Need to Code

Published on September 17, 2020

blog Innovation

Why Students Need to Code

We hear a lot about coding these days, but what is it?  And why is it so important?  Coding is computer programming. It is becoming more critical for you to learn some of these skills to be successful in many different modern industries.  Learning to code does not necessarily mean you have to go into a computer science-related field; it is a skill that will carry over into many different occupations.

A Head Start

Children as young as five-years-old can start learning to code.  Young children learn how to code through gamified experiences.  Starting to code is vital for more than just preparing you for careers.  Computer language is in many facets of our lives.  You will find it in education, social media, shopping, banking, and in your home.  Computers on a network can control our lighting, thermostats, and entertainment.

Learning how computers work and how we engage with them is essential.  Since such young children can learn to code, if you have not started yet, it is the time!

Develop Problem Solving And Computational Thinking Skills

You will learn new ways of thinking and be at the forefront when it comes to problem-solving.  Even if you do not understand the terms used to describe what you are doing, you will understand the concept.

When you are learning to code, you are learning the best way to solve problems.  It is crucial to have a framework from which to work.  Here is a simple one that you can follow:

  • Understand – It seems simple, but many people struggle with problems because they do not understand what the problem is.

To determine if you understand what the problem is and what kind of answer you seek, you must be able to pose the question in plain English.  If you can explain what the question asks, you know what you are looking for in terms of a solution.

  • Plan – It is essential to make a plan that will help you come up with the solution.  Write down the steps you will take and follow them in a logical order.  Making a plan gives you time to allow your brain to analyse and process before setting to work.

  • Divide – A big problem can seem like a daunting task.  Divide your problem into smaller ones to complete.  Solving the smaller problems and putting all of the pieces together will get you to the end goal.

Coding Is Fun

Aside from providing practical skills, coding is also a lot of fun.  It is used to create games and animations.  You will enjoy these learning experiences and gain important skills at the same time.

When you learn a computer language and see it work, it is neat to see your capabilities.  You enter a line of code, see something specific happen in the console, and know that the computer did what you asked it to do.

Develop Resilience

Another vital skill that comes from learning to code is the development of resiliency.  It is not often that your code will work the first time.  Half the fun of coding is going back and figuring out where the error is and how to fix it.

Developing resiliency means that when you encounter a difficult problem, you will go back to your skillset and figure out how to solve it.  Finding the errors and correcting them so that the code works is part of the fun.

It teaches you to learn from your mistakes and take time to figure out what mistake was made.  Learning from mistakes is an important life skill – not just one used in computer programming.

Thinking Outside The Box

Learning to code helps to teach you how to think differently.  It teaches you to take large problems and break them down into smaller, more manageable ones.  Computational thinking skills are highly sought after in the work field.

Coding helps teach you to take an idea that may seem vague, add some creative flair, and turn it into something practical.  You also learn that if the first idea does not work, you need to try something else.

Expand Creativity

Learning to think like a computer programmer helps to make you more creative.  You are always seeking innovative solutions to problems and seeing which one will work.  It encourages experimentation and helps to gain confidence.

It is vital to feel motivated when you are learning new skills.  When you are coding, you can see the results of your work along the way, encouraging you to keep going!  These are skills that are sought after in the workforce.

The Software Industry Needs Skilled Workers

Computer programming is not the only reason you should learn to code though there is a need for skilled workers in the software industry.  Experienced programmers are in demand. Learning even a little bit of coding will give you an edge when it comes to employment opportunities.

Because there is a demand for software engineers, the salary is usually substantial for those prepared to work in the field.

Have Fun With Math

You may find math and working with numbers boring.  Learning to code can make math fun for even the most reluctant learner.  You can improve math skills when you learn to code, and you will be having so much fun you won’t even realize that you are learning.

Coding requires the use of logic and calculation skills.  You will be using these skills to create something of your own.


What Employers Seek

Coding teaches more than just the basics of computer programming.  It enhances the kinds of skills you need to be successful in the workforce.  Employers seek people with specific skills. Some of these skills are further developed when you learn to code.

·       Problem-solving ability

·       Motivation to solve a problem

·       Higher-level mathematical thinking

·       Computer skills

·       Ability to work alone or on a team

·       Critical Thinking

·       Self-esteem and confidence while doing the job

·       Creative thinking

·       Increased resilience when face with challenges

·       Better reasoning, organisation, and planning skills

·       Ability to seek and find information

Learning to code provides you with the skill set you will need to succeed in the ever-changing and advancing world.

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