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Ivy Scholars Research BootCamp

Published on March 29, 2024


Ivy Scholars Research BootCamp

An Online Event

Ivy Scholars
Research BootCamp
Mentors From: Stanford | Cornell | Columbia | MIT
29th July - 6th August 2024
6:30 PM - 9.30 PM IST
Grade 8 -12
40,000 + 18% GST
Final Deadline
22nd July 2024
7 Day Research BootCamp for High School Students
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm IST
27th Jan - 5th Feb 2025
 INR 45,000 + 18% GST
Grade 8-12

special course fee of INR 35,000 + 18% GST is available exclusively for the Early Bird applicants till 10th Nov, 2024

Regular Fee:
40,000 + 18% GST

Early Bird Fee:
25,000 + 18% GST
Early Bird Application Deadline: 31st May
A special course fee is available exclusively for Early Bird Registrations
Previous BootCamp Mentors
Learn with Researchers from
Maya Gobert
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A special course fee of INR ----- + 18 GST % is available exclusively for the Early Bird
Get to Know the Program

This intensive program is crafted to mirror the rigor and depth of the world's top research institutions, blending the rich academic heritage of Ivy League standards with the innovative, forward-thinking approach of leading global research entities.

In this research bootcamp, participants will dive deep into the fundamentals of research, exploring various methodologies, the significance of data, and the application of Artificial Intelligence in streamlining research processes.

Planning to attend as
part of a group or
school delegation?

Grab an exclusive
15% scholarship for
your group or school delegation by clicking on this link!

Research Tracks - Pick yours!

Social Sciences
How does the Ivy League
Look at Research?

Students who did research were
4 times more likely than the general
pool to be accepted into a top university.

Successful Stories of Research Alums

Derek, Computer Science


  • Derek has competed in many contests and attended many programs, but has never really experienced research before.
  • He felt that his knowledge has been taught to him in an abstract setting and he would like to apply it in practical ways and solve real-world problems

Her paper was published by the Journal of Student Research – High School Edition with a very high peer review score (4.5 / 5). Got admitted into:

Got admitted into:

Susan, Music Therapy


  • Susan, with prior research experience in science, sought to merge her passions for music and science into a cohesive project.
  • She aimed to stand out among university applicants by embarking on an interdisciplinary research program exploring the relationship between music and memory within the realm of brain science, although she lacked direction on how to begin

Her paper was published by the Journal of Student Research –  High School Edition with a very high peer review score (4.5 / 5). Got admitted into:

Got admitted into:

Our Students Love Research
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Agenda and Timeline

25+ Hours of
Live classes

Get Mentored
by Experts

Learning Activities

Create your own research product

Learn Everything
about Research!

Key Deliverables  
  • Guaranteed peer-reviewed and instructor-critiqued research product by the end of the Bootcamp.
  • Potential showcase of top selected research products on international platform.
  • Consideration for top research products for Special Edition of Scholarly Review Showcase.
  • Curated opportunities to form research teams and connect with co-authors for further development of research project
  • Certification of Award for Bootcamp Completion
  • Guaranteed final evaluation that may lead to a Letter of Recommendation from said professors and experts and/or a Letter of Recommendation from Director of Student Innovation
Publish your 1st
Research Product!

Get a chance to Publish your
research paper in a top international
journal upon program completion.
Gain global recognition for your
groundbreaking work.



On Completion, students get a Certificate of Achievement from ScholarLaunch and the Ivy Learning Lab.

Main Takeaways

Core Skills Acquisition

Detailed, step-by-step understanding of research process, from hypothesis to publication

Hands on experience in every step of research process, both individually and in team setting

Knowledge of and exposure to world of academic research publication, including review of key notable journals

Broad-based knowledge of top research areas in selected Track (STEM or Social Sciences)

Concise insight into key research topics in selected domains, with curated examples for consolidated knowledge retention

Honing of critical thinking skills - how to think through any given problem and how to evaluate one’s own analytical process

Honing of public speaking and presentation skills

Honing of ability to sieve through any given information to discern critical elements within limited time

Who Should Participate?

For Students looking to enrich their college portfolios with impactful research experiences.

Those seeking confidence in public speaking and articulating thoughts.

Individuals aspiring to benefit from mentorship by accomplished professionals.

Anyone interested in exploring research with a strong ethical foundation.

Students eager to gain practical experience through hands-on research.

Students seeking to network and engage with like-minded peers in academia.

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