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Published on September 27, 2022
Two Top Tips To Write

-Aagam Chhalani
Fountainhead School
Understanding a language’s fundamental structure is necessary for writing coherently. This involves understanding grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure in English. Additionally required are vocabulary, accurate spelling, and proper formatting. A writer may write for their own amusement or use, or for a small or large audience. A known (targeted) audience may exist, or it may not. Writing for one’s own reasons might include taking notes for academic purposes. Public blogging is an example of writing for an unidentified readership. An illustration of writing with a specific audience in mind is a letter to a friend. When writing, it’s crucial to keep your audience in mind, much like when speaking.
Writing can be done in a variety of ways, from informal to official. Writing is a method of human communication that uses a collection of visual signs that are, by convention, connected to certain linguistic structure levels. This definition emphasises how writing can “map onto” or represent any level of spoken language structure, including sentences, words, syllables, and phonemes. Writing is, in theory, the representation of language rather than a direct representation of thought. Good writing skills are the foundation of any successful blog. Crafting content that will keep people reading, however, can be difficult on its own. In this blog post, you’ll find 2 easy tips to help you engage your readers and get them to stick with your post.
1. EPL (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
I’m sure most of you will agree that most of the articles and written pieces that we come across are boring and it’s a misfortune to sit through them. Hence, you might not want your audience to think of your writing the same way, and so you need to use the EPL strategy. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, are the three most crucial elements that will make your piece interesting and make it have a huge impact on the audience. The persuasive strategy known as ethos highlights credibility to entice an audience. The better “character” of a speaker, presenter, writer, or brand is evoked via ethos advertising approaches. The purpose of ethos examples is to persuade the audience that the marketer is dependable and moral. When someone you respect approves your choice isn’t that simpler to do? Ethos, which is credibility, should be a must in all your pieces because if the audience doesn’t think your piece is reliable enough, you’re doing something wrong.
Secondly, Pathos literally means “pain, experience, or sensation” in Greek. Pathos is a synonym for pitiful, compassion, and empathy, all of which refer to feelings or emotional ties. Pathos, as employed by Aristotle to describe the emotional effect an argument has on a listener, is still primarily how pathos is used in rhetoric today. Pathos, which is emotions and passion, if you can get the audience to trigger their emotions and get hold of their feelings, they’ll love your content and keep reading onwards. Let’s try and use pathos in a written piece, for example, “If we don’t stop polluting the ocean once and for all, all the animals, the life inside water, and eventually our future generation will die because of our irresponsible actions”.
Lastly, Logos is frequently referred to as “the appeal to reason” when it comes to rhetorical appeal and persuasion. When a speaker or author uses logos, they are often quoting facts or offering evidence and figures to back up their claims. In a sense, logos skips over all the flourishes of ethos and pathos and gets right to the point by attempting to make a persuasive case. Logos, which is logistics and statistics, if you can use facts, numbers, and stats it will automatically make the audience vouch for your writing and make them agree more towards your piece. Together these three elements make a vigorous combination and can make your writing from average to outstanding. Using this technique will take your writing from average to out of the box getting your writing the appreciation and attention it deserves.
2. Technology is your best friend
New communication technologies frequently lead to new frameworks that change how literature appears on pages, screens, websites, and file windows. An excellent example is the invention of the printed book, which many elites viewed as harmful due to its ease of duplication and spread when it first debuted. To be sure, every new form of communication is accompanied by dire predictions, but understanding the history of cultural interactions with technology suggests that, despite these predictions, literature consistently shows an inventive capacity to adapt and change in response to new environmental circumstances. There are several technological aids and instructional techniques available for writing that may make the process simpler and more enjoyable for people like us.
While not every high-tech method of writing will be effective for every class or every student, there is undoubtedly something out there for everyone. Here are just a few technologically oriented methods for writing. With access to the internet there’s not much we can’t do, so using it wisely can result in fruitful outcomes. As a mature poet I use two tools quite often while writing my poetry which not only make my work stand out, but also makes the process of writing much faster and enjoyable. The first tool I use is This tool can find me n number of rhyming words from the word I want eliminating my time wastage with finding rhymes for my poems as easy as one click. Another tool I use is synonym-finder. This tool makes my writing much more colourful and vibrant. Instead of using your limited vocabulary, you can explore the sea of thousands of word substitutes that will completely take your writing to another level. Now the tools I suggested are only a few, with the resources we have, there’s literally endless websites, apps, and what not.