blog Innovation Trending | 1min Read

Chat GPT is an excellent educational tool that can benefit students of all ages.

Published on March 16, 2023

blog Innovation Trending

Chat GPT is an excellent educational tool that can benefit students of all ages.

How ? 

Academic Helper

It is able to help students with their homework, provide clear explanations of difficult concepts, and respond to any inquiries that the students may have.

Also, Chat GPT is able to provide individualized feedback and recommendations to each learner, taking into account their unique learning styles as well as their progress.

Revolutionising Learning Models

The technology behind Chat GPT has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. For example, it can be used in intelligent teaching systems to adapt to the needs of each student and make individualized education easier.

Learning New Languages

Chat GPT also has the potential to be a useful tool for language learning. Practice dialogues, grammar explanations, and vocabulary training help pupils learn new languages. This tool may benefit students who don’t have access to native speakers or language teachers.

Helping Special Needs Students

Chat GPT can also help visually or hearing-impaired pupils. It can help these students access educational materials and take part in online classes by giving them support through text or voice

Superior Communication

In addition, Chat GPT can enhance collaboration and communication in education. Online learning can improve student-teacher contact and feedback. This can enhance learning and build a sense of community.

Finally, Chat GPT can bridge the digital divide by offering educational tools to remote areas. Chat GPT can democratize education and create global opportunities as internet access and mobile devices spread.


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blog Trending | 4min Read

International Human Rights Law: Why is It Important and Future Prospects!

Published on March 9, 2023

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International Human Rights Law: Why is It Important and Future Prospects!


Recent events around the world have brought to the forefront the critical need for individuals to understand and stand up for their human rights. In various parts of the world, we have witnessed countless instances of human rights violations, including acts of violence, discrimination, and oppression, which have caused immense suffering and injustice to millions of people.

In light of these disturbing developments, it is more important than ever to raise awareness about human rights, the international laws governing human rights and the role they play in ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.

In this essay, I would like to discuss the importance of international human rights law and highlight some of the ways we can educate ourselves and uphold the rights of people around the world.

International Human Rights Law

International human rights law refers to the body of legal norms, principles, and standards that are recognised and enforced at the international level to protect and promote the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or other status.

International human rights law is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The declaration outlines a set of 30 fundamental human rights and freedoms that all individuals are entitled to, such as the right to life, liberty, and security of person; freedom of speech, religion, and assembly; and the right to education, health, and an adequate standard of living.

Let’s explore the exciting ways studying international human rights law can broaden your horizons and empower you to make a positive impact!

Studying international human rights law can be beneficial for high school students in several ways:

Exposure to global issues: Studying human rights law can expose high school students to global issues and different cultures, broadening their understanding of the world and the complexities of the issues that affect people worldwide.

Development of critical thinking skills: Human rights law requires a strong foundation in critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of evidence. Studying this subject can help high school students develop these skills, which can be valuable for academic and professional success in any field.

Awareness of personal rights: Studying human rights law can raise awareness about personal rights and the importance of respecting the rights of others. This knowledge can help high school students become more informed and responsible global citizens.

Career opportunities: Exposure to human rights law can inspire high school students to pursue careers in law, advocacy, policy-making, or international relations, all of which can provide meaningful opportunities to promote and defend human rights.

Preparation for higher education: Studying international human rights law in high school can help prepare students for further studies in the field, such as a degree in international law, political science, or human rights law.

Want to know some cool ways you can make a difference in international human rights law? Here are a few exciting career paths to consider!

Human Rights Lawyer: Human rights lawyers represent individuals and organisations in cases involving human rights violations. They can work for non-profit organisations, government agencies, or international organisations.

Advocacy and Campaigns: Advocates and campaigners work to raise awareness about human rights issues, mobilise support for campaigns, and lobby governments to improve policies and practices.

Human Rights Officer: Human rights officers work with international organisations or government agencies to monitor, investigate, and report on human rights abuses. They can also work on policy development and implementation related to human rights.

Academic and Researcher: Academics and researchers work in universities or research institutions to produce research and analysis related to human rights issues. They may also teach courses in international law, human rights law, or other related subjects.

Humanitarian Worker: Humanitarian workers provide aid and assistance to individuals affected by conflict, natural disasters, or other crises. They can work with non-profit organizations, government agencies, or international organizations.

Diplomat: Diplomats work for government agencies and embassies to promote and protect human rights in diplomatic relations with other countries.

International Criminal Law: International criminal lawyers prosecute individuals responsible for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, and other international crimes.

Gender and Human Rights Specialist: These professionals work to promote and protect the human rights of women and other marginalised gender groups, by designing and implementing programs, policies, and advocacy campaigns.

Human Rights Investigator: Human rights investigators work to gather evidence and investigate allegations of human rights abuses. They can work for non-profit organisations, international organisations, or government agencies.

Human Rights Educator: Human rights educators design and implement educational programs and resources to raise awareness and understanding of human rights issues, particularly among youth and marginalized communities.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist: CSR specialists work with corporations and businesses to develop policies and practices that respect and protect human rights, particularly in the areas of labor rights and environmental protection.

International Development Worker: International development workers design and implement development projects in collaboration with local communities, with the aim of promoting social and economic justice, and protecting human rights.

Human Rights Journalist: Human rights journalists report on human rights abuses, document violations, and raise awareness about human rights issues through their reporting.

Best Programs to study International Human Rights Law

  1. University of Oxford – Faculty of Law
  2. The London School of Economics
  3. University of Notre Dame Law School
  4. Columbia Law School


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blog Trending | 10min Read

Building an entrepreneurial mindset: Everything you need to know

Published on March 3, 2023

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Building an entrepreneurial mindset: Everything you need to know


We’ve all had a million ideas on how we can make some extra cash on the side. Right from school, where we had tuck shops, to selling lemonade on the street, to being a board game designer. When we were little, the ideas and opportunities seemed endless and infinite. The world was at our feet. We thought anything was possible. But what happened when we grew up? 

Realities of financial stability, great careers in the corporate world, and the responsibilities of life caught up to us at some point in our lives. Do you remember that one lesson we had in economics on entrepreneurship? Do you remember what your entrepreneurial idea was? Maybe it’s time to revisit the idea because this blog is going to be all about entrepreneurship, what an entrepreneurial mindset is, how you can develop one, and why it’s important. And just for you, we’ll also talk about what are the required technical skills and soft skills to be an entrepreneur. 

What is an entrepreneurial mindset?

Now, let’s revisit that lemonade stall idea you had when you were younger. Why did you want to have a stall? Was it for some extra pocket money? Or were you saving up to buy yourself something special? Whatever it was then, you went out of your comfort zone and did it yourself. You had an idea, you made a plan, you took action, you strategized the right locations, and you executed it. That’s an entrepreneurial mindset. 

An entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking that is focused on identifying and pursuing opportunities for innovation and growth, taking calculated risks, and overcoming obstacles and challenges. This mindset is characterized by a willingness to take initiative, think creatively, be resilient and adaptable, and have a strong sense of personal responsibility for achieving success.

An entrepreneurial mindset is characterized by someone who has great creativity and innovation to generate new ideas and think outside the box.  Creativity is the foundation of innovation, which is a critical component of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs need to be able to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems to create unique and valuable products or services that set them apart from their competitors. Entrepreneurs often face complex and challenging problems that require creative thinking to solve. By approaching problems with a creative mindset, entrepreneurs can find innovative solutions that others might not have considered. Creativity allows entrepreneurs to be more adaptable and responsive to changing market conditions, consumer preferences, and emerging trends. They can quickly pivot and adjust their strategies to meet new demands and stay ahead of the competition. Entrepreneurs who can effectively communicate their unique value proposition and differentiate themselves from competitors are more likely to succeed. By thinking creatively, entrepreneurs can identify potential risks and benefits of new ventures and make informed decisions about pursuing them.

Risk-taking is an essential component of an entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks are more likely to identify and seize new opportunities. They are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things, which can lead to new and innovative products or services. Also, taking risks is necessary for growth and progress. Entrepreneurs who are not afraid to take risks are more likely to expand their business, develop new products or services, and enter new markets. Even if a particular risk does not pay off, entrepreneurs can learn from their failures and apply those lessons to future endeavors. Entrepreneurs who take risks are more resilient and better able to overcome setbacks and challenges. They are not deterred by failure and are more likely to bounce back and try again. Risk-taking is a way for entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves from their competitors. By taking calculated risks and exploring new opportunities, entrepreneurs can develop unique and innovative products or services that set them apart.

You can’t be an entrepreneur without being resourceful. Entrepreneurs often face constraints on their resources, such as funding, time, and manpower. Being resourceful allows them to make the most of what they have and find creative solutions to overcome these limitations. Entrepreneurs who are resourceful are more likely to come up with new and innovative ways to solve problems and create value for their customers. Resourcefulness enables entrepreneurs to be more adaptable and responsive to changing market conditions. They can quickly pivot and adjust their strategies to make the most of available resources. Being resourceful allows entrepreneurs to save money and reduce their expenses. This is especially important for startups that may not have a lot of funding available. Resourcefulness can be a competitive advantage. Entrepreneurs who are resourceful can find new and innovative ways to create value for their customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Entrepreneurs need to make many decisions, often in the face of uncertainty and risk. Having self-confidence allows them to trust their instincts and make decisions with conviction. Entrepreneurship can be challenging, and setbacks and failures are common. Self-confidence allows entrepreneurs to be more resilient and bounce back from setbacks. Entrepreneurs need to build relationships with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Self-confidence helps them to be more outgoing and engage with others more effectively. Plus, an added bonus of self-confidence is when they need to pitch their ideas to investors or customers. Having self-confidence allows them to communicate their ideas with passion and conviction, which can be persuasive. Entrepreneurs need to have a clear vision for their business and the ability to communicate that vision to others. Self-confidence allows them to articulate their vision with clarity and inspire others to share their passion.

How do you develop an entrepreneurial mindset?

Now if you’ve heard enough about what an entrepreneurial mindset is, we’re going to help you figure out how you can develop one. 

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset involves cultivating certain attitudes and behaviors that are essential for success in entrepreneurship. You can start by identifying your goals and passions. Write it down if you have to, but clarify your goals and identify what you are passionate about. This will help you to focus your energy on activities that align with your interests and skills.

You will absolutely need to embrace the ambiguity that comes with embracing risk-taking. Taking calculated risks is a key part of entrepreneurship. Start by taking small risks and gradually work your way up to bigger risks as you become more comfortable with uncertainty. And along the way, develop a growth mindset. Adopting a growth mindset and focusing on learning from failures and setbacks helps you see challenges as opportunities for growth and view mistakes as valuable learning experiences (as cringy as that sounds, it needs to be done!)

Develop your creativity by exploring new ideas, brainstorming solutions to problems, and seeking out new experiences. Put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable. This will help you to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. And yes, you should also build resilience by developing coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with stress and setbacks. Surround yourself with supportive people who can help you to stay motivated and bounce back from challenges. Your inner circle makes all the difference! 

On that note, seek out mentors. Find mentors who can provide guidance and support as you develop your entrepreneurial mindset. Learn from their experiences and seek out opportunities for feedback and advice.

Remember that developing an entrepreneurial mindset is a process that takes time and effort. By practicing these habits and behaviors consistently, you can cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset that will help you to succeed in your business endeavors.

But why is it important to develop an entrepreneurial mindset?

Let’s bring back the lemonade stand for a minute. Now, you have set up your stall and it’s been a while. But you haven’t seen anyone come by the stall as yet. Maybe you chose a cold day to have the stall, or maybe the location of your stall wasn’t right. And by the end of the day, you sold only two glasses of lemonade. But what did that teach you? Maybe you should do it in the summer, or maybe you should have had your stall at the fair. Regardless of the outcome, you learned something. 

If you plan to be an entrepreneur or not, it’s so important to have an entrepreneurial mindset. 

For starters, an entrepreneurial mindset encourages innovation and creativity, which is crucial in today’s rapidly changing business environment. It allows entrepreneurs to identify new opportunities and develop innovative solutions to problems. And an entrepreneurial mindset helps individuals to be more agile and adaptable to changes in the business landscape. This allows entrepreneurs to pivot their strategies quickly and make adjustments to their business models as needed.

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset helps individuals to be more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. Which as we know, happens in any career path that you choose. This very persuasive and self-confident mindset will help you to bounce back from failures and keep moving forward. An entrepreneurial mindset empowers individuals to take control of their own destinies and create their own opportunities. This can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

Last, but not least, an entrepreneurial mindset encourages individuals to develop leadership skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and risk-taking. These skills are valuable not only in entrepreneurship but also in many other areas of life. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is important for individuals who want to succeed in today’s dynamic and competitive business environment. It allows individuals to be more innovative, agile, resilient, and empowered, while also contributing to economic growth and creating a positive impact on the world.

What are some of the technical skills you need to have to be an entrepreneur?

In addition to the mindset and personal qualities that are essential for entrepreneurship, there are also technical skills that can be important for success as an entrepreneur. 

Financial Management. A hard skill that every individual must master, but entrepreneurs NEED to excel at it. Entrepreneurs need to have a basic understanding of financial management, including budgeting, accounting, and cash flow management. This helps them to make informed decisions about their business and avoid financial pitfalls. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Entrepreneurs who can manage their cash flow effectively are better able to pay their bills on time, invest in growth opportunities, and weather the stormiest economic downturns. If you have a good understanding of their finances then you will better be able to allocate their resources effectively. You can make informed decisions about where to invest your money, which can help to grow the businesses quickly and sustainably. Entrepreneurs who excel at financial management are able to create and follow a financial plan that aligns with their goals and objectives. This helps them to stay on track and avoid financial pitfalls. A huge bonus of being able to manage finances is that you will more likely to be approved for loans or investment capital. It becomes easy to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of different strategies and choose the one that is most likely to lead to success.

Marketing and sales are essential skills for entrepreneurs to have because they play a crucial role in the success of their businesses. Entrepreneurs who excel at marketing and sales are better able to acquire new customers for their businesses. This helps them to grow their customer base, increase revenue, and establish a strong market position. Marketing and sales are important for building brand awareness and creating a positive brand image. This can help entrepreneurs to differentiate their businesses from competitors and establish a loyal customer base. They are also able to conduct market research to better understand their customers and the market they operate in. This helps them to develop products and services that meet the needs of their target customers. Marketing and sales are also essential for generating revenue for a business. Entrepreneurs who are skilled in these areas are better able to develop effective sales strategies and pricing models that generate revenue for their businesses.

Entrepreneurs need to be able to develop products or services that meet the needs of their target market. This requires knowledge of product design, prototyping, and testing. Entrepreneurs who excel at product development are able to create products and services that meet the needs of their target customers. This helps to ensure that their businesses are relevant and competitive in their respective markets. Product development is essential for innovation, which can help entrepreneurs to differentiate their businesses from competitors and establish themselves as leaders in their industries. By developing new products and services that solve problems or meet unmet needs, entrepreneurs can drive growth and create new opportunities for their businesses. High-quality products and services can create customer loyalty, which is essential for building a sustainable business. Entrepreneurs who excel at product development are able to create products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business. Entrepreneurs who excel at product development are able to adapt their offerings to changing market conditions or customer needs. This can help them to stay relevant and competitive over time, ensuring the long-term success of their businesses.

Entrepreneurs need to be able to manage projects effectively to ensure that they are completed on time and within budget. This requires knowledge of project planning, scheduling, and resource allocation. Entrepreneurs who excel at project management are able to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to a high standard of quality. This helps to increase the efficiency of their businesses and allows them to achieve their goals more effectively. Project management helps entrepreneurs to identify and mitigate risks associated with various projects and initiatives. By doing so, they can avoid potential problems and ensure that their businesses are not negatively impacted by unexpected events.

Effective project management requires clear communication between team members and stakeholders. Entrepreneurs who excel at project management are able to facilitate effective communication, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Entrepreneurs need to be aware of the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to their businesses. This includes knowledge of business registration, tax laws, employment regulations, and intellectual property laws.

Apart from this, if we haven’t stressed enough about it earlier, entrepreneurs need to build resilience, perseverance, self-confidence, and creativity in order to succeed. Now its time to innovate that lemonade stall into something bigger, brighter, and better.

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blog Trending | 7min Read

The Importance of Climate Change Education

Published on February 28, 2023

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The Importance of Climate Change Education


Following COP27 2023, and all the revelations and commitments, as a species, it shows that we are looking inward and outward for solutions to a largely self-generated problem. Climate change has become a prominent narrative of our lifetimes. All companies and people in power need to consider climate change in their strategies in one way or another, and people are becoming more and more aware and conscious of their green responsibilities as well. But climate change is a long-term and complex battle that needs to be tackled on many fronts by talented and passionate people leading the charge. 

What is climate change education?

Climate change education is the process of teaching people about the science, causes, impacts, and solutions related to climate change. It aims to help individuals understand the complex nature of climate change, and to empower them to take action to mitigate and adapt to its effects. Climate change education can take many forms, including classroom instruction, public awareness campaigns, community-based initiatives, and online resources.

The goals of climate change education can vary depending on the intended audience and the context of the education. Some of the key objectives of climate change education include:

  1. Raising awareness: Climate change education aims to raise awareness about the reality and severity of climate change and to help people understand its causes and consequences.
  2. Building knowledge: Climate change education aims to build knowledge and understanding of the science behind climate change, as well as the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to it.
  3. Fostering critical thinking: Climate change education aims to foster critical thinking and inquiry, encouraging people to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and evaluate evidence related to climate change.
  4. Encouraging action: Climate change education aims to encourage people to take action to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including through personal lifestyle changes, advocacy, and participation in community-based initiatives.
  5. Supporting policy development: Climate change education aims to support the development of policies and strategies to address climate change, including through informed public engagement and dialogue.

Climate change education is a critical component of efforts to address the climate crisis, as it helps to build the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary to take effective action. By raising awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change, climate change education can empower individuals and communities to work together to create a more sustainable future.

Why is it important to study climate change?

Studying climate change is important because it has significant implications for the world we live in and for future generations. Here are some reasons why:

Climate change can have significant impacts on ecosystems, including changes in the timing of seasonal events, shifts in species distributions, and increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires.

Climate change can also have negative impacts on human health, including increased air pollution, more frequent heat waves, and the spread of disease-carrying insects.

Not to forget, climate change can have significant economic impacts, including damage to infrastructure and property, increased insurance costs, and decreased agricultural productivity. Climate change can also have political and social implications, including displacement of populations, conflicts over resources, and challenges to global governance.

By studying climate change, we can better understand its causes and develop strategies for mitigating its impacts and adapting to the changes that are already underway.

Overall, studying climate change is essential for understanding the risks and opportunities associated with this global phenomenon and for developing effective policies and strategies to address it.

How has climate change education changed over recent times?

Climate change education has undergone significant changes over the past few decades. 

There has been a significant increase in awareness about climate change and its impacts on the planet and human societies. This has led to a greater emphasis on climate change education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions.

Many schools and universities have expanded their curriculum to include courses on climate change and related topics such as sustainability, renewable energy, and environmental policy.

There has been a greater focus on interdisciplinary approaches to climate change education, bringing together students and faculty from a variety of disciplines such as science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

There has been an increase in hands-on learning opportunities for students, such as field trips, laboratory experiments, and community-based projects, that allow them to directly observe and engage with climate change issues. The widespread use of digital technology has allowed for greater access to climate change education resources, including online courses, simulations, and interactive tools.

Climate change education has increasingly focused on encouraging students to take action to address climate change, including through personal lifestyle changes, advocacy, and participation in community-based initiatives.

Where can studying climate change take you in your career?

Studying climate change can open up a wide range of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Here are some potential careers that one can pursue after studying climate change:

Climate scientists study the Earth’s climate system, including the causes and effects of climate change. They use advanced modeling techniques and data analysis to make predictions about future climate patterns and assess the impacts of climate change on natural and human systems.

Environmental policy analysts work in government agencies, non-profit organizations, and research institutes to develop policies and strategies to address climate change. They conduct research, analyze data, and make recommendations for policy decisions related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Renewable energy specialists work in the private sector to develop, design, and install renewable energy systems such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. They also assess the feasibility of renewable energy projects and advice on policies and regulations related to renewable energy.

Climate change educator: Climate change educators work in schools, universities, and other educational institutions to teach students about climate change and related topics such as sustainability and environmental policy. They develop curricula, design instructional materials, and lead hands-on learning activities related to climate change.

Environmental consultants work with private companies and government agencies to assess the environmental impact of projects and activities, including those related to climate change. They conduct environmental assessments, develop mitigation strategies, and advise on regulatory compliance.

Climate change journalists work for news outlets and other media organizations to report on climate change and related issues. They conduct interviews, research and write stories, and use multimedia tools to convey information to the public.

These are just a few examples of the many career opportunities that can be pursued after studying climate change. The field is constantly evolving, and new careers are emerging as the world increasingly focuses on addressing the climate crisis.

The many aspects of climate change that can be studied are:

There are many different ways to study climate change, depending on the focus of the research and the questions being asked. Here are some of the key approaches to studying climate change:

  1. Paleoclimate studies: Paleoclimate studies involve examining past climate patterns by analyzing things like tree rings, ice cores, and sediment deposits. This can provide insights into long-term climate trends and the factors that drive climate variability.
  2. Climate modeling: Climate modeling involves using computer simulations to predict future climate patterns based on current data and assumptions about how the climate system works. This can help researchers understand the potential impacts of different scenarios and inform climate policy decisions.
  3. Atmospheric studies: Atmospheric studies involve measuring and analyzing the composition and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, including greenhouse gas concentrations, air temperature, and atmospheric circulation patterns. This can help researchers understand the factors that drive climate change and how different regions of the world are affected.
  4. Ecological studies: Ecological studies involve examining how climate change affects natural systems, including plants, animals, and ecosystems. This can help researchers understand the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as well as the potential for ecological feedback that could amplify or mitigate the effects of climate change.
  5. Social and economic studies: Social and economic studies involve examining the ways in which climate change affects human societies, including through impacts on agriculture, infrastructure, and public health. This can help researchers understand the social and economic costs of climate change and inform policies and strategies for adaptation and mitigation.
  6. Interdisciplinary studies: Interdisciplinary studies involve bringing together multiple disciplines to study climate change from a holistic perspective. This can include collaborations between scientists, engineers, social scientists, and humanities scholars to address complex questions related to climate change and its impacts on society and the environment.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that climate change can be studied. Climate change research is a diverse and dynamic field, and new approaches and techniques are constantly being developed to better understand this complex phenomenon.

If you agree that climate change is one of the core issues of the current and future generations, and want to do something about it, or build a deeper knowledge of it, take a look at our climate change-related course!

Oxford & Cambridge Program: Environmental Studies

Curated at and by Oxford and Cambridge experts, this program helps high school students gain extensive intersectional knowledge and a global perspective of Environment Studies and how happenings affect your local and global community.

Led by academics from the University of Oxford and Cambridge, the Environmental Studies program will challenge high school students to focus on the interactions between humans and the environment.

This program combines natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to provide intellectually curious students with a deep understanding of how humans interact with and influence the environment around them.

Over the ten-day course, students work in a mentor-led group to understand topics related to our environment – whether it is climate change, public health, or sustainability – and develop core transferable skills to address them.

Finally, students will also learn critical skills associated with the historic teaching style of Cambridge University, culminating in an end-of-program project presentation judged by an eminent academic.

Also, a big bonus – with a designated session focused on applications and interviews, this program will also give students the mindset needed to deal with uncertainty and the confidence to know that they can apply to any elite institution around the world – including Oxford and Cambridge.

The program is designed and conducted by academics from Oxford and Cambridge college – doyens of environmental studies and other auxiliary fields, possessing years of practical experience – the pedagogy of this course promises to be intersectional and holistic.

What are you waiting for, again?

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blog Trending | 7min Read

BOOKS! The importance of literature and 5 books you should read this year

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BOOKS! The importance of literature and 5 books you should read this year


“A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” -Franz Kafka

Oftentimes, literature is seen as a mirror. A mirror through which we see society. A mirror through which we see what is around us. A mirror through which we see the world. In this blog I shall briefly discuss my own plans for a reading list this year, but also recommend 5 books I have already read that have shaped my own understanding and developed my reading, writing and analytical skills.

The sad truth is that many of us are put off by books. By the sheer length, by the attention we’ll inevitably have to pay, by the time it will take to finish it. By whether or not we’ll even be able to understand what is going on in it. But lingering beneath this rather morbid feeling is yet another truth. Anything and everything can be terrifying if you think about it. The fact of the matter is that books help you. They don’t just help you in saying, “magnanimous”, “asunder”, “ague” or “titillating” in your day-to-day life…

They help you explore the different ways one can write. The way the same themes of maybe struggle or power or defiance can be explored in starkly different styles and contexts, with distinct settings and characters. How ideas and stories move through time and space, waiting for no one, yet lasting forever. How the fictitiousness of an Orwellian world sends shivers down our spines because maybe it’s not all that fictitious. And how no matter if you’re reading Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky) or The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath) or Normal People (Sally Rooney), you will inevitably feel the same emotion- that of lack of fulfilment, until you realise life isn’t really about getting something you think you need to feel fulfilled, but instead being fulfilled with what you already have.

This year, I want to grow with books. Inevitably, I will, as I enter a three-year-long course just to study literature. But it’s not just that, I will read classics and modern tales alike. I will read old Russian literature, Mesopotamian legends, Greek plays, and Irish ghost tales. I will also read tales of today- tales riddled with technology, heartbreak, glee, love and despair. A few books I plan to read are as follows: Mansfield Park (Jane Austen), Dr Faustus (Christopher Marlowe), The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka), Aeneid (Virgil), Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami), The Song of Achilles (Madeline Miller), The Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoevsky) and Half of a Yellow Sun (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), A Room of One’s Own (Virginia Woolf) and Conversations with Friends (Sally Rooney). These books are from different times, different worlds.  

On the other hand, I also have 5 books to recommend to all passionate readers out there. These books have greatly aided me, as I continue to hone my passion for writing. I will suggest a mixture of classics and modern-day reads which have recently been trending. A mixture of tales from around the world and from around time.

Book 1: Normal People (Sally Rooney, 2018, Irish, Drama/coming of age/romance)

“It’s always easy to think of reasons not to do something”

In a little town in Ireland, we see the story of Marianne and Connell. Marianne is anti-social and indifferent to how people see her. Connell is well-settled with his friends and constantly worried about how people see him. But somehow, they come close together. Until university, where Marianne finds her footing and is at the centre of social life, while Connell (at the same university) struggles because maybe he had all those friends back home because he always just had them. Because maybe he has to think about his own thoughts and opinions and take his own stances now.

As Connell finds his footing and Marianne struggles with her past, Sally Rooney brings forward a beautiful blend of realism, with realistic characterisation and beautiful writing. This is a short book that is easy to read through and is a wonderful way to get back into or start reading again and that too is a high-quality book, which was even nominated for a Booker prize. An award-winning tv show adaptation also exists for this wonderful book, starring Daisy Edgar Jones as Marianne and Paul Mescal as Connell, which you may watch before, during or after reading the book!

Book 2: Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1866, Russian, Bildungsroman/psychological thriller/philosophical fiction)

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The real men must, I think, have great sadness on earth”

In St. Petersburg, Russia, Raskolnikov, a law student stricken with poverty and mental turmoil carries forward a heinous task, meanwhile thinking he is doing the world a service. After in a lapse of complete mania, he murders an old pawnbroker who he saw as greedy, abusive and miserable, he realises he really isn’t that much better than the others in the world. After a wave of self-righteousness, Raskolnikov drowns in guilt. Commonly regarded as one of the first psychological thrillers, Crime and Punishment beautifully incorporates philosophy and storytelling, as Raskolnikov endures punishment and redeems himself.

You learn, you grow, you realise. That guilt, shame, restlessness, greed and struggle are eternal. That no matter what happens, every problem in the world can never get over. That you have to try your best to solve them nonetheless, though, because perhaps life is what you make out of it. And if your purpose is to make the world a better place, that is indubitably a great purpose to wield.

Book 3: On Earth, We’re Briefly Gorgeous (Ocean Vuong, 2019, Vietnamese-American, Semi-autobiographical/epistolary/philosophical fiction)

“In a world myriad as ours, the gaze is a singular act: to look at something is to fill your whole life with it, if only briefly”

In this epistolary novel, written as a letter from a Vietnamese American son, introduced as Little Dog to his mother Rose, we get a story all about struggle, war, and mental health. About difficult times that later manifest themselves as impossible memories that one carries with them forever. In this non-linear novel (where the letters are not in any chronology and are disjointed), the reader has the role to stitch together the structure and meaning of this beautifully raw and insightful novel, brimming with trauma and learnings from life stories and the perils brought forth by the Vietnam war.

Filled with poetic language and beautiful prose, and then interspersed with his own experience, philosophy and knowledge, Ocean Vuong presents a story that makes you both tear up and smile, and realise how it looks to tell a story so nuanced and layered.

Book 4: 1984 (George Orwell, 1949, England, Dystopian/science fiction/philosophical and political fiction)

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

We are in a dystopian universe, divided into huge superstates that encompass entire continents. Winston Smith, our protagonist, is in the middle of it all. In a world where there’s thought police to police your thoughts and paradoxical ministries. Winston himself works in the Ministry of Truth, where they re-write historical records to praise the totalitarian regime set up by Big Brother. Big Brother is always watching and monitoring all that you say or do.

A dystopian science-fiction novel with impeccable world-building, 1984 is also a rather chilling cautionary tale that highlights the importance of freedom, truth and love. It takes you on a quest for truth. A journey to thwart your expectations. Prose that is sometimes poetic and free-flowing and other times blunt and frigid. Your skin will inevitably erupt into gooseflesh as you finish this book, as you learn about political ideologies, world-building in literature and how to blend satire and dystopia together.

Book 5: A Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger, 1951, American, Drama/Coming of age/Slice of life/philosophical fiction)

“The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything stayed right there where it was […] Nobody’d be different. The only thing that would be different would be you”

Holden Caulfield hates this world. He constantly needs to change schools due to his poor academic performance in everything but English. His cynicism prompts him to detest everyone and everything. His perception of everyone being, phoney, inauthentic and unoriginal, is rather ironic. Yet, J.D. Salinger writes this book in such a way that one can easily sympathise with Holden and see where he’s coming from.

After losing his brother, Holden is numbed of all emotions. He frequently feels depressed and panicked and also purposeless. Over the course of just 2 days, we see Holden’s life. His love for his little sister Phoebe. His hate for everyone pretending to be someone they’re not. His own need for love and affection and his struggles in communicating with people so as to convey what he really wants. A chilling book with a heartwarming and optimistic ending, The Catcher in the Rye uses unreliable narrators, a distinctive writing style (which I admit takes some time to get used to) and deep characterisation to tell a timeless story of suffering and satisfaction.

Conclusively, these are 5 books that will definitely help you enhance your reading, writing and overall, your love for literature. Keep reading, no matter how fast or slow. No matter the genre or time period or person. Keep reading because as you do, words, like specks of sand will collect within your consciousness, and before you know it, inside you will be a sandcastle, brimming and brewing and spinning and spewing with wisdom, intellect and evolution.

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