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Published on November 27, 2021
7 Steps To Be Fully Prepared For Your First MUN Conference

As a first-time MUNer, there is a lot of uncertainty in one’s mind about where to start, how to progress, and, most importantly, how to come up with compelling arguments to win an award at a conference. Big Red Education’s team has prepared the 7 steps you’ll need to start and flourish in your new career as a Diplomat, based on years of experience and study. Let’s take a look at each of these steps closely.
1. Begin with reading about your Country Profile
Before reading the conference’s Study Guide/Background Guide, it’s a good idea to study a little about the nation or designation, depending on your committee, you’ll be representing to overcome any inherent prejudices you might have. Remember to adopt an open mind when it comes to the country you’ll be representing. This will help you know facts, prepare arguments & also negotiate during the MUN sessions.
Things to research about your nation include:
Land – Use a map to locate your nation. Examine your size, terrain, and surroundings. Basically all of the demographics.
Politics – Determine whether you are a democracy, a pseudo-democracy, or a dictatorship. Check which party is in power in a democracy.
Data – population number, primary languages, demographic breakdown, and income, which is generally determined by examining the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
News – Stay updated with the national news in your country. Look for any recent changes in law, policies, etc.
When you read the Study Guide, this research will help you come up with useful suggestions.
2. Read the Study Guide
The Study Guide (also known as a Background Guide) is where you’ll find all of the essential details regarding the issue your MUN committee will be debating upon. When you’ve finished reading the instructions, you should have a good idea of the issue and what you’ll be discussing. Keep in mind that these guides are usually made by the chair and the vice-chair of your respective committees. Therefore, in case of any doubt or confusion prior to the conference, do not hesitate to reach out to them to clarify all possible doubts that you might have.
The Background Guide should provide you with background information about the subject. Ongoing concerns regarding the issue, statistics and facts that are relevant, the UN committee’s statements, positions in the block, questions to ponder as well as additional reading material. Additionally, they are also useful since they show you in what direction the chairs want the argument to proceed.
3. Learn more about your committee
As you must know, the UN has several committees like UNHRC, General assembly, etc. Your Background Guide should include all essential information about your committee. In case it does give you the full overview, a short look at the Wikipedia page should help you understand it better. Your aim is to understand the committee’s objectives, any ongoing activity, it’s previous actions (especially regarding the current agenda). Furthermore, learning what your MUN committee’s mandate is will assist you in comprehending everything it can and cannot do. This will come in handy when it’s time to write down concrete solutions.
4. Understand your country’s position
To succeed in your committee, you need to read as many news articles to obtain an understanding of what policies your nation might pursue in order to grasp its stance.
If you’re representing Japan, for example, you might want to examine things like – Has Japan ever dispatched relief workers in the event of a natural disaster? Is Japan a participant in global anti-virus efforts? Even if there is nothing specifically mentioned about your country’s link to the subject you will be debating, the answers to those questions will help you understand where your country’s diplomatic position is on the ongoing agenda.
If you still can’t seem to find anything about your country or position, search the same for your surrounding countries or countries that are similar to you. Take a look at how they handle the situation. If your country appears to be irrelevant to the issue being addressed, you may only get a well-informed guess of how it might work in case it was more involved in the issue at hand. Fortunately, even when there is little information, it is frequently sufficient.
5. Work on your Opening speech
Each delegate at an MUN is required to give an Opening Speech. If there are no opening addresses at a conference, the first speech you give will serve a comparable purpose.
Typically, the introductory address lasts 60 to 120 seconds
This speech should include an overview of your country’s perspective on the matter as well as solutions to the issues your committee is debating. Details and concrete policies to remedy the situation should be included in your speech. Lastly, your answers should be in the best interests of your country.
6. Go over the Rules of procedure again
It is critical that you have a basic understanding of the Rules of Procedure before attending your first MUN. Practicing is the greatest way to learn ROPs. While mastering the ROP is not required, it is beneficial to have a rudimentary understanding of delegate workflow and how to pass a motion. You’d be able to get your hands on these very easily on several websites on the internet. Fortunately, they are sometimes also mentioned in the background guide as well as repeated by every chair at the beginning of the conference.
7. Learn to draft a resolution
A Resolution Document is a collection of your block’s relevant policy proposals. Preambulatory Clauses and Operative Clauses are the most common types. To be deemed a genuine Draft Resolution, the Resolution must be prepared in a specified fashion. This structure can be found easily on several different websites including The Best Delegate Website.
Although, undoubtedly, MUNs are a lot of fun, coming prepared increases your chances of having a good time at the conference. This is because you’ll know where things are headed and how to get to your intended goal . You just need to show up and make the most of your first MUN conference. Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the sites, social media, and the easiest opportunity to establish friendships with hundreds of people who are just like you.
However, with every new generation, we see new patterns and skills being showcased at these MUNs. In case you did have the opportunity of attending a conference before coming across this guide, do you feel like you’ve learned and experienced something new?