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Published on November 12, 2021



Big Red Blogs

Introduction to Passion Projects: A Four-Step Guide

Introduction to Passion Projects: A Four-Step Guide

College Admissions are competitive. The Ivy League is even moreeee competitive! Question is, How do you stand out? Grades?Captaining the...
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Navigating the World of Active Listening for High School Students

Navigating the World of Active Listening for High School Students

The Forgotten Skill in a Noisy World In the bustling hallways of high school, where whispers of weekend plans and...
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Avoid These Essay Killers: Insights from a Yale Admissions Reader

Avoid These Essay Killers: Insights from a Yale Admissions Reader

Embarking on your college application journey or just want to improve your writing skills?
Got the perfect piece for you....
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Navigating the College Essay: A Deeper Dive with a Harvard Junior

Navigating the College Essay: A Deeper Dive with a Harvard Junior

Hey there, future college stars! I’m Amy, a writing enthusiast from Harvard, here to demystify the college essay maze. If...
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The Evolution of Learning: Primary Years Programme’s Journey in India

The Evolution of Learning: Primary Years Programme’s Journey in India

Introduction In the bustling, diverse landscape of India's education system, a quiet revolution is taking shape. It's within the classrooms...
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The World’s Classroom: A Journey Through the International Baccalaureate Program

The World’s Classroom: A Journey Through the International Baccalaureate Program

Introduction In the labyrinthine corridors of a bustling international school in the heart of Brussels, a quiet revolution in education...
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Embracing Global Standards: The Rise of International Baccalaureate in India

Embracing Global Standards: The Rise of International Baccalaureate in India

Introduction In recent years, the Indian education landscape has been enriched by the introduction and expansion of the International Baccalaureate...
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The Ivy League: A Tapestry of Grandeur, Intrigue, and Unexpected Tales

The Ivy League: A Tapestry of Grandeur, Intrigue, and Unexpected Tales

Author – Aanya Janan Ah, the Ivy League! Hearing the term might instantly conjure images of gothic libraries, academic elites,...
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How to Craft a Memorable College Application “Hook”

How to Craft a Memorable College Application “Hook”

Discover the secrets to creating an impactful "hook" for your college application. Follow this step-by-step guide that merges personal authenticity...
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9 Thrilling Emerging Careers for Science Buffs

9 Thrilling Emerging Careers for Science Buffs

Author - Jonada Cyrus, Dhirubhai Ambani International School Hello, future scientists! Step right up and get ready to dive into...
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Mastering the Art of Gaining Admission to the Ivy League

Mastering the Art of Gaining Admission to the Ivy League

By Naina Sainik, B.D Somani International The prestigious Ivy League schools are renowned for their extremely selective admission process, which...
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Artificial Intelligence is Not Yet Taking Over the World

Artificial Intelligence is Not Yet Taking Over the World

I’m terrified of artificial intelligence, anxious it will render my writing abilities ineffectual and useless. What am I to do...
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SAT is going DIGITAL!

SAT is going DIGITAL!

I know right, like everything else in life. This move to digital means that students will take the exam on...
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Why Debating Still Matters

Why Debating Still Matters

Introduction: Debating is often associated with ancient Greece or public school, but its relevance in today’s world cannot be understated....
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Unleashing the Science of Writing: How Students Can Become Expert Wordsmiths

Unleashing the Science of Writing: How Students Can Become Expert Wordsmiths

Introduction: Are you a student looking to take your writing to the next level? Look no further! In this blog...
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Why Top US universities Want Entrepreneurs

Why Top US universities Want Entrepreneurs

Get ready for a whirlwind of excitement, as we dive into the amazing world of entrepreneurship education and its impact...
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The Dilemma of Reading

The Dilemma of Reading

Introduction As a prospective student of literature, the idea of reading to me sounds marvellous. However it isn’t just me...
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The Cambridge Debating Style and the Storied Legacy of the Cambridge Union

The Cambridge Debating Style and the Storied Legacy of the Cambridge Union

Introduction The Cambridge Union, founded in 1815, is a cornerstone of academic debate and intellectual exchange at the University of...
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The SAT and ACT are well-known standardized tests used in the college admissions process across the United States. However, there...
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Academic Pressure and the Problems that It Poses to Teens

Academic Pressure and the Problems that It Poses to Teens

As a society, we place great emphasis on academic success and the pressure to perform well in school, especially during...
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The Unlikely Relationship Between Gardening, Well-Being, and the Environment

The Unlikely Relationship Between Gardening, Well-Being, and the Environment

I remember playing baseball on my school field. During breaks, I would point my finger toward my apartment complex (I...
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Chat GPT is an excellent educational tool that can benefit students of all ages.

Chat GPT is an excellent educational tool that can benefit students of all ages.

How ?  Academic Helper It is able to help students with their homework, provide clear explanations of difficult concepts, and...
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International Human Rights Law: Why is It Important and Future Prospects!

International Human Rights Law: Why is It Important and Future Prospects!

Introduction Recent events around the world have brought to the forefront the critical need for individuals to understand and stand...
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Building an entrepreneurial mindset: Everything you need to know

Building an entrepreneurial mindset: Everything you need to know

Introduction We’ve all had a million ideas on how we can make some extra cash on the side. Right from...
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The Importance of Climate Change Education

The Importance of Climate Change Education

Introduction Following COP27 2023, and all the revelations and commitments, as a species, it shows that we are looking inward...
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BOOKS! The importance of literature and 5 books you should read this year

BOOKS! The importance of literature and 5 books you should read this year

Introduction “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” -Franz Kafka Oftentimes, literature is seen as...
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Introduction In recent years, science and technology have gotten better, which has led to a greater need for education that...
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Top 5 Startup Business Grants / Incubators in India

Top 5 Startup Business Grants / Incubators in India

Introduction India is home to more than 70,000 startups and has emerged as the third largest startup ecosystem in the...
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Soft skills that high school students MUST develop.

Soft skills that high school students MUST develop.

Introduction Your lives as high school students are currently at a crucial turning point. You're in the midst of coming...
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Everything you need to know about going to an Ivy League school.

Everything you need to know about going to an Ivy League school.

Introduction So you’ve come to a crossroads. You’ve achieved good results during your primary education, and now you need to...
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Is Gaming Addiction Real?

Is Gaming Addiction Real?

Introduction In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate regarding whether gaming addiction is a real phenomenon or just...
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10 Elements for the perfect Harvard Application Essay

10 Elements for the perfect Harvard Application Essay

10 tips to write a better Harvard Essay First impressions are important. And how often do you get a chance...
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Digital Tools and Education: A Modern Love Story

Digital Tools and Education: A Modern Love Story

Introduction Researching for school projects was always, always a fun task to do. The nature of school projects in our...
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Financial Aid vs Scholarships

Financial Aid vs Scholarships

Introduction Though the terms “scholarship” and “financial aid” very often are used interchangeably the main difference between the two is...
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Getting you to the Ivy League : A Comprehensive Guide to Getting into the Ivy Leagues

Getting you to the Ivy League : A Comprehensive Guide to Getting into the Ivy Leagues

Introduction A young American high school student gets into 7 out of 8 Ivy League Schools and still feels horrid...
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Grades vs Extracurriculars

Grades vs Extracurriculars

During a recent panel discussion with parents and mentors at the Harvard YLC Conference, Mumbai - a question that kept...
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Entrepreneur in focus: Ritesh Agarwal, CEO & Founder, OYO

Entrepreneur in focus: Ritesh Agarwal, CEO & Founder, OYO

Childhood serves as a window through which many dreams and aspirations can enter. However, as children, we have a lot...
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Tapping into the skill of Market Research!

Tapping into the skill of Market Research!

There is no universal definition or understanding of the term market research. Many businesses, however, include it in their marketing...
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Exploring the different leadership styles!

Exploring the different leadership styles!

Leadership is a difficult concept to grasp. It is easy to recognize when you see it, but it is difficult...
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Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Writing a speech like Winston Churchill

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Writing a speech like Winston Churchill

- Eedha Kaul, Oberoi International School On May 13th, 1940, three days after taking over as Britain’s Prime Minister, Winston...
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The Principles of making an excellent speech

The Principles of making an excellent speech

- Naomi Pandey Grade 12, Shiv Nadar School, Noida Speeches are different. That’s the point. They are different from a...
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Crowdfunding for business

Crowdfunding for business

What does crowdfunding mean? Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large...
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School Curricula Changes: A Cause for Optimism

School Curricula Changes: A Cause for Optimism

Eedha Kaul, Oberoi International School In response to the pandemic and its repercussions, schools and colleges were compelled to make...
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Learning poetry through reverse engineering a poem

Learning poetry through reverse engineering a poem

Naomi PandeyShiv Nadar School, Noida- 12 IB Growing up, poetry was definitely a very important art form to me. Around...
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Two Top Tips To Write

Two Top Tips To Write

-Aagam Chhalani Fountainhead School Understanding a language's fundamental structure is necessary for writing coherently. This involves understanding grammar, punctuation, and...
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Why you should be a teen entrepreneur!

Why you should be a teen entrepreneur!

We frequently hear that so and so is an entrepreneur who has launched his or her own company. It is...
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Ideating for your business in High School!

Ideating for your business in High School!

Ever thought what goes behind starting a business? Does just having a product or service help you start your own...
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5 Ways To Become A World Champion of Student Entrepreneurship

5 Ways To Become A World Champion of Student Entrepreneurship

It’s never too early to be an entrepreneur. After all, it’s not like anybody made a rule that you couldn’t...
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The Insider’s Guide to Student Entrepreneurship

The Insider’s Guide to Student Entrepreneurship

The idea of entrepreneurship among students has been increasingly common nowadays. Whether it's for honing their future skills or financial...
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My Experience of the Business of Sports 101 Program

My Experience of the Business of Sports 101 Program

First and foremost, I identify as a Virat Kohli fan. What intrigued me the most about the Business of Sports...
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“No Idea is a Vague Idea” – My Journey as an Ivy Early Entrepreneur

“No Idea is a Vague Idea” – My Journey as an Ivy Early Entrepreneur

By: Ananya Manchanda Lotus Valley International School, Noida Three apples changed the world. One that Steve Jobs built, one that...
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101 Hacks to Become a Leader in High School

101 Hacks to Become a Leader in High School

Introduction The notion of leadership has been extensively analyzed and examined, but a comprehensive way to define leadership skills has...
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Hack the Skill of Networking in High School!

Hack the Skill of Networking in High School!

Networking can be difficult and time-consuming for most people. However, there is just no doubting the influence a strong professional...
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Setting SMART Goals in High School!

Setting SMART Goals in High School!

I am sure everyone has heard of goals, but now you must be wondering what ‘SMART’ goals are. As the...
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Student Leadership – Ways in which teens can become better leaders by carrying out social change

Student Leadership – Ways in which teens can become better leaders by carrying out social change

The young are not just the leaders of tomorrow, they are fast reshaping today too! They are the catalysts of...
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Making the Best Of Poetry – The CCD Method

Making the Best Of Poetry – The CCD Method

Avanti Nayal Jamnabai Narsee School A lot of people are intimidated by poems (especially the ones that are written in...
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Mastering the Art of Negotiation For Teens!

Mastering the Art of Negotiation For Teens!

Negotiation is a back-and-forth social interaction between two or more parties where the primary focus is to reach a mutual...
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7 Tips to Improve your Public Speaking in High School: Ace it to make it!

7 Tips to Improve your Public Speaking in High School: Ace it to make it!

Do you also believe public speaking is a nerve-wracking skill like I do? Yes, fear of public speaking is pervasive...
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Poetry & its Importance: beyond the field & space of arts

Poetry & its Importance: beyond the field & space of arts

Most people consider poetry to be just a form of art. But, only a few think of poetry as an...
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5 Reasons to Participate in the IE Junior Entrepreneurship Challenge

5 Reasons to Participate in the IE Junior Entrepreneurship Challenge

1. Get the chance to attend free masterclasses. All participants will get to attend a pre-challenge session on the 11th...
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5 reasons to join the Poetry in America Intensive Programme

5 reasons to join the Poetry in America Intensive Programme

1. Learn how poetry intersects with other art forms like music, rap, dance, sports etc and how one can express...
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5 Reasons to join the Harvard Leadership Bootcamp!

5 Reasons to join the Harvard Leadership Bootcamp!

If you are looking to strengthen your leadership skills and learn more about them, the Harvard Leadership Bootcamp brought to...
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My Business of Sports 101 Journey

My Business of Sports 101 Journey

Vaishnavi Sharma, Bombay Scottish School I have been an ardent fan of sports, primarily cricket for the majority of my...
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Aarna’s Ivy Early Entrepreneur Journey

Aarna’s Ivy Early Entrepreneur Journey

Aarna Gupta Grade 9, Step by Step School The Ivy Early Entrepreneur program was a wonderful experience for a business...
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3(+1) Tricks to Get Rid of Creative Blocks

3(+1) Tricks to Get Rid of Creative Blocks

Creative blocks are frustrating. You feel desperate to ideate, design, build something; and yet, the muse continuously eludes you.  Sometimes,...
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The Secret Ingredient to the Perfect College Application!

The Secret Ingredient to the Perfect College Application!

Did you know that Tomas Lindahl, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry failed the subject in high school? Or that John...
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Move to Earn

Move to Earn

Move to Earn - The Latest Crypto Craze! You have definitely heard about the proverb - “Health is Wealth” but...
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My Experience As A First Time Attendee of the Harvard YLC Conference

My Experience As A First Time Attendee of the Harvard YLC Conference

As a first time attendee of the Harvard Youth Lead The Change conference, I was not sure of what to...
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Your Complete Guide to High-School Summer Internships

Your Complete Guide to High-School Summer Internships

Summer break is finally here! With school work taking a backseat, it is the perfect time for you to explore...
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Discover A Passion For STEM Fields Through A Robotics Workshop

Discover A Passion For STEM Fields Through A Robotics Workshop

STEM is an academic philosophy and approach that integrates the four core academic disciplines - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics....
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What to Expect at Your First MUN and Tips for Acing It!

What to Expect at Your First MUN and Tips for Acing It!

Did you know that the United Nations got its name when Churchill was enjoying a bubble bath in Washington and...
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Tips for Stress Management – 5 Do’s and Don’ts

Tips for Stress Management – 5 Do’s and Don’ts

Did you know that there are two types of stress but that only one of them is negative? If yes,...
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Getting Started With (And Acing) Poetry Writing

Getting Started With (And Acing) Poetry Writing

-Avanti Nayal Jamnabai Narsee School The process of writing poetry is as personal and unique as the poem itself Writing...
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Entrepreneur Skills – The Three-Time World Cup Winner Turned Entrepreneur – Ricky Ponting

Entrepreneur Skills – The Three-Time World Cup Winner Turned Entrepreneur – Ricky Ponting

The Three-Time World Cup Winner Turned Entrepreneur - Ricky Ponting “I think sports and businesses have a lot of parallels...
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5 Ways To Demonstrate Leadership In College Applications

5 Ways To Demonstrate Leadership In College Applications

Great leadership usually starts young. It comes with a positive attitude and a desire to make a difference. Admission and...
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How many hours of sleep do we need to ace our exams?

How many hours of sleep do we need to ace our exams?

Are you giving exams on less than 8 hours of sleep like me? Stop now!  Most high school and college...
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What Makes Captain America a Public Speaking Maestro?

What Makes Captain America a Public Speaking Maestro?

It’s been two years since Captain America dropped the now-iconic “Whatever it Takes” speech in Avengers: Endgame. Cap’s speech, delivered...
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How To Start A Business In High School? Here Are 6 Tips For You

How To Start A Business In High School? Here Are 6 Tips For You

Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss, working on your own terms, or having unlimited earning potential? The...
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What’s your Career Type – Choosing A Career For High School Students

What’s your Career Type – Choosing A Career For High School Students

In 1958, Dr John Holland created a simple system to help people find the right career. Based on the tasks...
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Social Change Projects That Went Live at Harvard YLC Program

Social Change Projects That Went Live at Harvard YLC Program

Are you someone that is passionate about bringing a positive change to the world? Do you want to lead the...
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How To Make Friends in College? Here Are A Few Tips

How To Make Friends in College? Here Are A Few Tips

First week at college? Stuck in a new classroom with no friends? Found yourself at the fresher’s party with zero...
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11 Successful Teenage Entrepreneurs in India

11 Successful Teenage Entrepreneurs in India

An entrepreneur is someone who forges ahead even when there is only a small chance of success! They find thrill...
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Walt Whitman – The Artist And The Legacy

Walt Whitman – The Artist And The Legacy

Walt Whitman, the American poet, essayist and journalist, is one of the most influential poets of all time. Considered as...
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The 16-Year-Old CEO of SCOPE – A Successful Teenager

The 16-Year-Old CEO of SCOPE – A Successful Teenager

“It’s wrong to ask for help in entrepreneurial circles. It feels undermining. But it shouldn’t.”  At just 16 years old,...
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How To Become A Writer & How (not) to be!

How To Become A Writer & How (not) to be!

-Avanti Nayal, Jamnabai Narsee School So, how does one become a writer? Well, a single google search is enough to...
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What Are Robotics Workshops For High Schoolers Like?

What Are Robotics Workshops For High Schoolers Like?

A robotics workshop is an interesting way to enhance a high school student’s knowledge in the field of science, technology,...
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How To Write Poetry: Tips for Beginners

How To Write Poetry: Tips for Beginners

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Poetry is the clear expression...
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Opportunity To Get Into IPL For High School Students

Opportunity To Get Into IPL For High School Students

Do you dream about working for the IPL and other sports leagues as a high schooler? Well, we have got...
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5 Reasons to join Harvard Leadership Program!

5 Reasons to join Harvard Leadership Program!

1. Learn from young & relatable mentors that treat you as their Equals! Meet Sara Dahiya! Sara participated as a...
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Financial Planning – How to Save Money As A Student

Financial Planning – How to Save Money As A Student

Financial Planning helps you fulfill all your dreams and goals in a systematic and planned manner. Managing your money need...
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The 52-Week Money Challenge for Students

The 52-Week Money Challenge for Students

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.”- Warren Buffet When you have...
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The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting and Savings for Students

The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting and Savings for Students

Let’s start with a simple activity. Define the picture you see when you hear the word ‘budgeting’.  Do you see...
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How To Improve Your Writing Skills In 4 Simple Ways

How To Improve Your Writing Skills In 4 Simple Ways

The internet is exploding with blogs and articles and videos on tips and tricks on how to improve your writing...
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7 Ways to Get An Internship in High School: A How-To Guide

7 Ways to Get An Internship in High School: A How-To Guide

While internships are usually seen as something exclusive to college students, taking on internships in high school has tons of...
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10 Ways You Can Develop Leadership Skills as a Teen

10 Ways You Can Develop Leadership Skills as a Teen

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders - that is, only if they procrastinate! Young Leaders are not just the leaders of...
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7 Steps To Become A Successful Young Leader

7 Steps To Become A Successful Young Leader

Leadership is a journey and not a destination. A leader is always evolving and is open to new ideas and...
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4 Easy Ways to Stick to Your Financial Resolutions in 2022

4 Easy Ways to Stick to Your Financial Resolutions in 2022

Mayank’s phone had been buzzing all morning. Interestingly, this had nothing to do with the fact that it was New...
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5 Financial New Year Resolutions for Students in 2022

5 Financial New Year Resolutions for Students in 2022

Wishing you all a very happy new year! Like every other new year, you probably are coming across tons of...
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5 Financial Literacy Crafts You Won’t Learn in School

5 Financial Literacy Crafts You Won’t Learn in School

While schools play a vital role in arming you with basic education and life lessons, don’t you think they miss...
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Humour as a Leadership Skill

Humour as a Leadership Skill

Every room needs laughter. Perhaps your comedian career started from home, or maybe in the school bus, or if you...
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4 Ways to Find a Good Mentor in High School & During Internships

4 Ways to Find a Good Mentor in High School & During Internships

Internships are all about exploring, learning and developing skills and interests. But at the same time each place you work...
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Importance Of Youth Leadership: What Teenagers Must Know

Importance Of Youth Leadership: What Teenagers Must Know

Leadership is fundamental to success. A Leader is the driving force of an organization. The importance of Leadership simply cannot...
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5 Major Books and Podcasts to Learn Finance in High School

5 Major Books and Podcasts to Learn Finance in High School

Managing personal finance, and planning for the future can often be tricky and confusing. When you learn about the basics...
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4 Lessons That Will Help You Improve Your Financial Skills at High School

4 Lessons That Will Help You Improve Your Financial Skills at High School

Common phrases such as ‘invest in IPOs’, ‘diversify your portfolio’, and ‘buy the dip’ have been echoing in the news...
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Battling Burnout in High School

Battling Burnout in High School

Have you ever played the game of Jenga? For those of you who haven't let me break it down for you. Jenga is essentially a game of skill and balance where there is a tower of 3 colours of blocks and in each turn you must pull out one block from the tower without making it fall.
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Beginners Guide: Rules of Procedure you must remember for your first Model United Nations Conference

Beginners Guide: Rules of Procedure you must remember for your first Model United Nations Conference

Have you ever sat at a gathering, trying hard to get a word in while everyone else around you is...
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How to Start Investing as a Student?

How to Start Investing as a Student?

As you begin your journey in pre-school, you learn how to count numbers and in primary school, you learn how...
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5 Amazing Financial Literacy Apps for Money Management

5 Amazing Financial Literacy Apps for Money Management

Not everyone around you is an expert when it comes to finance and money. People will tell you several answers...
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Why is Financial Literacy For Students a 21st Century Skill?

Why is Financial Literacy For Students a 21st Century Skill?

Leaders inspire others to do more. They carry their team to greater heights by influencing people to achieve more. Most leaders want to lead well, but only a few succeed.

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How Leadership Development Programs Set You Up For Success

How Leadership Development Programs Set You Up For Success

Leaders inspire others to do more. They carry their team to greater heights by influencing people to achieve more. Most leaders want to lead well, but only a few succeed.

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7 Steps To Be Fully Prepared For Your First MUN Conference

7 Steps To Be Fully Prepared For Your First MUN Conference

As a first-time MUNer, there is a lot of uncertainty in one's mind about where to start, how to progress,...
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Cryptocurrency: A Financial Fairy Tale

Cryptocurrency: A Financial Fairy Tale

Imagine creating a payment system as a joke and ending up with a market cap of US$29 billion! Yes, that’s exactly what happened with software engineers Billy Markus

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6 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

6 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

Communication - The bond builder "Wise men speak because they have something to say." This age-old adage defines the core...
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Productive Things Students Can Do During The Pandemic

Productive Things Students Can Do During The Pandemic

When the pandemic struck, all of us were forced to retreat to the comfort of our homes. We spent a...
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How To Identify and Improve Leadership Skills Within Yourself

How To Identify and Improve Leadership Skills Within Yourself

It is said that great leaders are born and not made. While the truth of this adage is certainly debatable, it is definitely true that leadership skills can be identified, inculcated and nurtured.

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7 Reasons Indian Students Should Get on the Gap Year Bandwagon

7 Reasons Indian Students Should Get on the Gap Year Bandwagon

A gap year is defined as “a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between...
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10 Reasons Why You Need to Participate in a Model UN Conference

10 Reasons Why You Need to Participate in a Model UN Conference

What Is An MUN? To begin with the basics,  a Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of a real...
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Five Games to Sharpen Financial Literacy Skills in High School

Five Games to Sharpen Financial Literacy Skills in High School

Ever Wondered How And Where You Learned To Excel At The Most Important Life Lessons? If you’re thinking about education,...
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9 Tips From An Entrepreneurial Workshop for a Successful Start-Up

9 Tips From An Entrepreneurial Workshop for a Successful Start-Up

Entrepreneurial workshops have one thing in common - they are run by a set of successful  entrepreneurs. During the program,...
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5 Tips to Become a Financially Smart Student

5 Tips to Become a Financially Smart Student

Do you have a class on “Financial Literacy for Students” in your high school curriculum? Have you ever discussed ‘personal...
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Robotics Workshop For Students – What You Can Expect

Robotics Workshop For Students – What You Can Expect

Are you an individual passionate about science and technology? Then you should really be exploring workshops that help you answer...
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What is Health Wearable Tech?

What is Health Wearable Tech?

Think Fitbits and Apple watches. That in a nutshell is what wearable tech is all about. That’s it. End of...
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Practicality or Passion? Top Seven Professions of the 21st Century

Practicality or Passion? Top Seven Professions of the 21st Century

Tug Of WarWhat do you want to be when you grow up? This is often an anxiety-inducing dilemma for all...
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My Internship Experience: Big Red Education

My Internship Experience: Big Red Education

Name: Fiza Kazim Highs School: Mayo College Girls' School College: Symbiosis School For Liberal Arts Believe it or not, internships...
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6 Ridiculous Internship Myths That Everyone Needs To Debunk

6 Ridiculous Internship Myths That Everyone Needs To Debunk

Most students know that an internship can be a valuable boost to their resume and a great way to make...
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What Does It Take To Be An Effective Leader?

What Does It Take To Be An Effective Leader?

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and more importantly, shows the way. A good leader...
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Starting Early, Starting Young – How To Launch A Start-Up?

Starting Early, Starting Young – How To Launch A Start-Up?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Entrepreneurship is not just about ideas - it is...
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Productive Things Students Can Do During The Pandemic

Productive Things Students Can Do During The Pandemic

When the pandemic struck, all of us were forced to retreat to the comfort of our homes. We spent a year being careful and social distancing.

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6 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

6 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

"Wise men speak because they have something to say." This age-old adage defines the core characteristic of effective communicators. Communication is the basic bond builder among humans & the more effective the communication skill is, the better the bond will be.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Robotics in High School

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Robotics in High School

Technology continues to invade the mind of every innovator. Technology is the today and the tomorrow of our times. Today, writing software, building drones and robots are not the things that only scientists or business tycoons can do.

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College Application Checklist: How To Make An Impact!

College Application Checklist: How To Make An Impact!

Finding your niche and something you are passionate about in high school isn’t the big question here. It is about making an impact using something you are incredibly passionate about.

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Top 5 Ways Students Can Utilise Their Time Effectively

Top 5 Ways Students Can Utilise Their Time Effectively

Oftentimes, students find themselves perplexed about what to do with their time. Only recently exposed to the real world, these...
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Internships For High School Students: Benefits and Guide

Internships For High School Students: Benefits and Guide

For high school students, finding internships can be a daunting task.. Wait, is it even possible to get an internship without any prior job experience? Yes, indeed, it is!
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My Unparalleled Harvard YLC Experience: Is Applying Worth The Time?

My Unparalleled Harvard YLC Experience: Is Applying Worth The Time?

Trying Is Always Better Than Wondering Everyone starts gearing up for their college applications from 9th grade at the latest....
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Top Six Study Resources That High School Students Need To Know About

Top Six Study Resources That High School Students Need To Know About

Coming into high school can be extremely stressful. It feels like the workload increases a hundredfold and the pressure of...
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From the Ardent Reader’s Eyes: How to Write the Right Way?

From the Ardent Reader’s Eyes: How to Write the Right Way?

I was 12 when I was left spellbound. I had just read the Harry Potter franchise. And I couldn't help...
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Playing To One’s Peculiarity? Know the Advantages of Introversion & Extroversion

Playing To One’s Peculiarity? Know the Advantages of Introversion & Extroversion

The Introvert/Extrovert Spectrum Everyone has different personalities which make us all fit in or stand out. Introversion or extroversion is...
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Crash Course On What Really Makes a Person an Entrepreneur

Crash Course On What Really Makes a Person an Entrepreneur

What makes a person an entrepreneur? Is it genetic? Can you trap it? The word “entrepreneur” nowadays, appears to be...
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5 Benefits of Effective Communication Training Programs

5 Benefits of Effective Communication Training Programs

Do you hesitate from speaking in front of mass or going to a stage when given the opportunity to speak or present? Aren’t you able to express your ideas effectively? If yes, don’t worry you’re not alone.

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Career Counseling: How Student Mentorship Programs Help Unlock Potential

Career Counseling: How Student Mentorship Programs Help Unlock Potential

Have you ever felt confused about what's the best career choice for you? Be it deciding the stream to pick after high school or choosing the best summer school program.

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How to Develop Leadership Skills As a Student

How to Develop Leadership Skills As a Student

Barack Obama, Narendra Modi, Malala Yousafzai , Elon Musk and countless others who are known for their success in their respective domains have one thing in common, Leadership.

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10 Benefits of Immersive Entrepreneurship Workshops

10 Benefits of Immersive Entrepreneurship Workshops

Early Entrepreneurship has emerged as an interesting subject amongst young students to learn in India. As job opportunities become more scarce as a consequence of Digital Transformation and population growth,

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Reasons Why You Should Join Summer School During Holidays

Reasons Why You Should Join Summer School During Holidays

Summer program sounds like an extension of school or tuition. Or even like forced labor. ‘Summer school’ has that ring to it, that makes you think that you’ll have to wear your uniform and go learn maths or physics.

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Know The Importance Of Career Counselling For High School Students

Know The Importance Of Career Counselling For High School Students

‘What do you want to do when you grow up?’ This can feel overwhelming and rightfully so. How are you supposed to decide your career at 13, when you can’t even decide what you want to eat tonight?

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7 Reasons for Enrolling in an Effective Communication Course

7 Reasons for Enrolling in an Effective Communication Course

Communication is something we all do, which is throwing out information. But effective communication is when that info is actually received by the listener. You could be talking to a wall for all it matters.

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How Mentorship Programs Can Help Students Unlock Their Potential

How Mentorship Programs Can Help Students Unlock Their Potential

We’re generally surrounded by people who want something from us. Parents, teachers, relatives, even some friends. Everyone has their own expectations from us and our lives.

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10 Important 21st Century Skills that High School Students Should Learn while in School

10 Important 21st Century Skills that High School Students Should Learn while in School

This concept of ‘21st-century skills’ is thrown around a lot, most often by people born in the 20th century. We often reject it, thinking that we have an entire century left to learn these skills,

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Easy High School Checklist: Freshman through Senior Year

Easy High School Checklist: Freshman through Senior Year

Even though "taking life as it comes" is a great motto way to live by, having a strategy enhances the results and brings in more certainty.

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How to Become a Straight-A Student in High School

How to Become a Straight-A Student in High School

"A little organization goes a long way". Becoming a straight-A student is not so much about study hacks or brutal...
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What is Most Important in Public Speaking?

What is Most Important in Public Speaking?

Public speaking is just, Speaking in public. Be it one person or a thousand, it’s about putting an idea into the mind of the person in front of you. It isn’t just about talks and speeches.

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5 Indian Entrepreneurs Who Started As Teenagers

5 Indian Entrepreneurs Who Started As Teenagers

Seeing young businessmen in their twenties is not unheard of. It is indeed very inspiring to hear of young people...
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How to be a Failure

How to be a Failure

When was the last time you read about a ‘failure’ in a positive light? Generally, you see them paraded on...
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Young Student Entrepreneur’s Guide to a Successful Kick-Off!

Young Student Entrepreneur’s Guide to a Successful Kick-Off!

Having worked for years with young, aspiring entrepreneurs, we have been able to gain enough insight into the specific needs...
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How to Make Better Decisions

How to Make Better Decisions

Oh, the pressure to make a decision hangs over our heads constantly. There is always something that requires a decision to be made. The aptest example is when you sit in front of that Netflix homepage, wondering what to watch. Scroll and slide as much as you want, it’s still a pain.

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Reflection Of Harvard Youth Lead the Change Program

Reflection Of Harvard Youth Lead the Change Program

The Harvard Youth Lead the Change Program (YLC) is a week-long workshop for high school students, aiming to teach them...
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How to Define a Problem and Find It’s Solution

How to Define a Problem and Find It’s Solution

When we think of problems and problem solving, our mind typically goes to Mathematics. Because every other subject is framed...
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Should you Decide your Career in High School?

Should you Decide your Career in High School?

When most people hit 9th Grade, they are told that it’s time to figure out what they want to do for the rest of their life. For some reason, it’s always the 9th grade in India.

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‘Mom, Dad, I want to be a writer.’

‘Mom, Dad, I want to be a writer.’

Yes. You must become a writer, a world-class author, pen a masterpiece, sip coffees in Paris, win prizes and prize...
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Are You an Introvert Or Are You Just Shy?

Are You an Introvert Or Are You Just Shy?

This pandemic has forced us to stay indoors and avoid people. So now are we all automatically introverts? Does this classification of behaviour even hold true? Will we be introverts or extroverts after the pandemic is done?

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Listen, Don’t Just Hear

Listen, Don’t Just Hear

‘Be quiet and listen.’ I think we’ve all heard this throughout our lives, and sometimes still do. It can seem like a reprimand, or a dull repetitive sound, based on how many times you’ve heard it and who’s saying it. Most often it’s teachers or parents. But they aren’t the same thing.

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3 Ways Of Going About Your Career

3 Ways Of Going About Your Career

Just like a coin, a dice, or any other multifaceted thing in the world, there’s never only one way to...
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Essential for Online School 101

Essential for Online School 101

An online ‘life’ has become the new norm- be it shopping, studying, entertainment, or anything that could possibly strike your...
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How The Pandemic Can Boost Your College Applications!

How The Pandemic Can Boost Your College Applications!

It is safe to mention that the pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped the manner in which colleges look at the application process. However, in instances like this, it is natural to overlook the benefits this situation has brought to us.

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Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media?

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media?

You could be anyone, anywhere around the world, and we can be sure that you’re spending too much time on social media. A high school student who doesn’t spend time on social media doesn’t exist.

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Planting the seeds of Entrepreneurship

Planting the seeds of Entrepreneurship

‘I want to grow up and be an entrepreneur.’ At some point in your life, you might have had a...
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Leadership and You

Leadership and You

Most think of a General standing on a battlefield, leading his men out to battle. Or a CEO leading her team of professionals to close a major deal and get featured in the news.

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Studying for the Big Exam

Studying for the Big Exam

Knowing what kind of learner you are will help you study for tests and exams. It would be best if you found a way to study that suits your learning style to understand the information and relay it back on a test.

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Do We Really Need to Learn Negotiation as High Schoolers?

Do We Really Need to Learn Negotiation as High Schoolers?

Simply put, negotiation is a way for people to settle their differences. That’s it. Something we do almost everyday, in every single moment of our lives.

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Effective Presentation Skills & Techniques For High Schoolers

Effective Presentation Skills & Techniques For High Schoolers

Maybe you will not be in a career where you need to do formal presentations, but communicating your ideas to others is still important.

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Organization and Scheduling for Success

Organization and Scheduling for Success

Getting organized can be one of the hardest things for some people to do. The task can seem overwhelming if you do not know where to start.

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Learning How to Learn Effectively: Knowing What Type of Learner you Are

Learning How to Learn Effectively: Knowing What Type of Learner you Are

Knowing your learning style and preferences will help you in your courses. It may also help you to choose a career that is more suited to the way you learn and process information.

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How to plan a gap year? Resources, tools & tips

How to plan a gap year? Resources, tools & tips

In one of our previous article, we explored 7 benefits of a gap year and why you should take one right after...
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Importance of Financial Literacy for a high school student

Importance of Financial Literacy for a high school student

A financially literate person can understand and use financial skills. Financial literacy is not just going to the store and deciding if you have enough money for your purchase.

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Why Students Need to Code

Why Students Need to Code

We hear a lot about coding these days, but what is it? And why is it so important? Coding is computer programming.

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The Importance of Entrepreneurship

The Importance of Entrepreneurship

The current jobs on the market may become obsolete as the population ages and technology advances. We will need new, more advanced, and innovative roles for you as you leave your formal education.

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How Internship Can Help Your Future

How Internship Can Help Your Future

Think about starting a new job without knowing the first thing about what you will be doing. Now imagine a position where you have had an opportunity to work in the field and gain firsthand knowledge.

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Growth Year – Benefits of Gap Year After High School

Growth Year – Benefits of Gap Year After High School

“17 is too young to go to college,” my theology and philosophy professor once told me in our after class...
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